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Meat Sexual Duties & Children

Something else that just crossed my mind: A woman who’s being taken care of sexually, and the bedroom is fun times for her, doesnt have to be manipulated into having sex. She will become an opportunist even if she wasn’t one initially. She’s not gonna cut her own nose off to spite her face, just for an opportunity to be able to manipulate her husband.

That's naive. Women use sex and flirtation to manipulate men often without realizing it.

For example, nice full body press against hubby side, flirtatious eye batting and voice pitch change.. and 'darling would you pretty please do...' there is no promises for sex but it is implied and may not happen.
Happens in work place environments.
Engineering projects are some of the worst. College getting assignments done.. the list goes on.

Sex sells. Actual and or promises.
That's naive. Women use sex and flirtation to manipulate men often without realizing it.

For example, nice full body press against hubby side, flirtatious eye batting and voice pitch change.. and 'darling would you pretty please do...' there is no promises for sex but it is implied and may not happen.
Happens in work place environments.
Engineering projects are some of the worst. College getting assignments done.. the list goes on.

Sex sells. Actual and or promises.
No doubt.

I just have an issue with the idea that a woman who enjoys her hubby time would be a once a month lady.

A wife who uses her flirtatious body language to manipulate her husband (aside from signaling desire) is IMO a foolish woman. But then I can be a very pragmatic type of man.

I can’t help but wonder what the climax to intercourse ratio is in these virtually sexless marriages. And what the track record has been. It also makes me wonder why one set of stats are used (once a month) without any other factors being presented to explain the anomaly. It’s almost like they just appear without any causal link. Just because there’s a woman involved, poof, once a month.

I have a hard time ignoring cause and effects from this conversation.
May I go into eternity with the assurance that I have attempted to be a profitable servant.
That I have provided shelter, food, intimacy and safety (physical and emotional) for those that the Almighty has placed in my care. Maybe just not in the amounts that they would dream of.
One day the technology will evolve to the point where you will be able to drive 5 trucks remotely, at the same time, thereby increasing your productivity, and allowing you to spend more time with your wives! :p
Probably not as rare as most people think. As I've said before multiple times, 1 Cor 7 applies both ways. His body belongs to her.

Just as I pointed out men should do things to improve themselves to fix this situation so should women. She should examine herself and how she might be contributing to his denial. Specifically with respect to how pregnancy and childbearing play into this...

Has she let herself become unattractive? A good majority of women let themselves go after having kids. Are you in shape? Are you the same weight you were when you got married/first met? Are you still doing the things you did before to attract him and be attractive or have you settled into frumpy mom clothes, messy hair and no makeup? This also plays into the dynamic when men are denied. A woman when pregnant / after birth often doesn't feel attractive, and this messes with her desire. Helping her stay in shape, helping her understand you still desire her / find her attractive can help the situation.

Are you treating him like one of the children? Are you allowing the children to rule your life, or use them as an excuse to rule his, or do you place him first in your life?

Are you allowing the children to distract you from sex? Are you doing the soccer mom thing and not leaving time for your man? For young parents, are you allowing a baby who sleeps in bed / in the room to come between you?

When does he most want sex? Weeknights? Weekends? Mornings? Figure that out and rearrange kids activities to free you up / keep them quiet during those times.

Some men have a sexual hangups around the madonna/whore dichotomy and he may have a hard time feeling attracted to or wanting to do certain sexual things with the mother of his children. I'm not entirely certain how to handle this situation other than watching your interaction with him and how you project yourself to him. Do you still interact with him as his lover or have you settled into a Mom persona? Role playing might help. Or being intentional about romancing him.

Is your fertility waning? As women's fertility wanes and they head through menopause their desire for sex goes down. Usually this plays into the dynamic where a man desires sex more than them. But it goes both ways. The hormone profile of a fertile woman is sexually enticing in and of itself. As you age, that affect wanes and further erodes his desire; requiring you to up your game to stay as attractive. One thing you can do: jump him when you're ovulating, you'll be most attractive to him then. Also avoid hormone based contraceptives as these mess with your hormone profile and his appreciation of your beauty. If there is a sisterwife, and she is younger, that fertility boost may cause him to more often become desirous of her simply because she's hormonally more enticing (i.e. it's not personal).

Now, I answered that in a limited fashion as it intersects with child bearing to stay on topic. There is a ton more that could be said but would take us off topic. If you'd like a fuller answer let me know and I'll start a new thread on that subject.
I thought that we in the BF community understood this to be a flawed notion.

What are you saying? Of course it's a flawed notion, which is why one should be careful of placing standards and importance on things that God does not. If you don't want a flawed notion to appear, don't do things to bring one about.

Edit- or another way of putting it "If you play stupid games, you'll win stupid prizes."
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Or we could simply dispel the myth that it is a place that belongs solely to her. Read what happened to Queen Vashti, in the Book of Esther.
Or we could simply dispel the myth that it is a place that belongs solely to her. Read what happened to Queen Vashti, in the Book of Esther.

We aren't even talking about the same thing. I'm not saying a wife should be uppity and above her station. Queen Vashti has nothing to do with anything I've said.
Your statement sounds like you are opposing me on some point but I don't understand where. I've never said her place is solely hers.
Well it's like you said that we all have a place, and that is true, but adding another wife, does not remove the first wife from the place that she holds. Now however, when Vashti refused to submit to Ahasuerus, it was seen as scandalous and necessary for her to be removed, in order to send a message to all the wives within the kingdom.
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Well it's like you said that we all have a place, and that is true,

This is all I actually said though. I even included men in there as needing to know they had a place.

but adding another wife, does not remove the first wife from the place that she holds

I agree. Which is why I never said it did. I said if you want your wife to think of additional wives as comrades not to ingrain in them that everyone else is the enemy by allowing standards to make way for comparison.

Now however, when Vashti refused to submit to Ahasuerus, it was seen as scandalous and necessary for her to be removed, in order to send a message to all the wives within the kingdom.
Okay but that situation is so different then what I've said that I'm still kind of confused about it's being brought up. Yes she was not acting correctly. Yes the king had enough. But where does that make a connection to what I've said or the OP?

And I've already made a comparison of not being satisfied with your wife as the equivalent of a wife not wanting to submit unless she likes what her husband said... So shouldn't we hold all scripture to the same importance and expect action out everyone the Lord gives command to?
Sorry I did a lot of editing in that last one. Lots of typos and misspelled words and then I had another idea and added another paragraph.
I agree. Which is why I never said it did. I said if you want your wife to think of additional wives as comrades not to ingrain in them that everyone else is the enemy by allowing standards to make way for comparison.
That expression has been taken to mean that having a second wife, somehow deposes the first wife of the position she holds. In reality, a husband, whose wife has let herself go, has a number of choices, when it comes to attempting to enjoy his sex life, ranging from the most attractive, being obtaining a second wife, with her consent of course, and some of the least attractive options, being wearing beer goggles all the time, or getting himself hooked on porn.
Oh I forgot, I wanted to add something else. I wanted to state the the reason why I believe there should be no standard held to a women for her husband to be satisfied. And this is off topic, and sorry but I think it's important. Because we all (men and women) need know and feel that on some level we are accepted for who we are, not for how we look, but for who we are. That we have a place. That way we will see the people around us as comrades and friends, people for us to help and contribute to. But having the attitude that we need to be held to a certain standard makes those around us a threat. It tells us anyone who is better will take my place. It ensnares the one to feel like their only worth comes from being praised (and if that praise is only based on appearance then it is a losing game, time comes for all) and therefore anyone else who gets praised is the enemy because they might take my place. We are now competing in a race to be on the top position and other people are now our enemy. So why would we want to purposely build into women that they need to be threatened by the 'ideal'? Isn't the goal to build healthy Godly marriages? And the kind of attitude that puts down such standards is only going to make any first wife see another sister wife as an enemy not a comrade.
This is a sensitive topic, but when it comes to this notion of whether the wife should strive to keep herself physically in shape, does not in any way, discourage her from also seeking to be a godly wife. I just can't see how you can say that there should be no standard for the women to be held to.
This is a sensitive topic, but when it comes to this notion of whether the wife should strive to keep herself physically in shape, does not in any way, discourage her from also seeking to be a godly wife. I just can't see how you can say that there should be no standard for the women to be held to.

I'm saying the Bible says to be satisfied. So be satisfied. I'm saying the Bible doesn't say a wife needs to be A,B,C for her man to be satisfied, so why are men saying they do? Do you have any scripture that says differently than what I am saying? A women can care about her appearance and do things to please her husband (which I've already said) but that shouldn't be the standard for him being satisfied. I'm just talking basic phycology, if your woman thinks your love depends on her appearance and that's all she's worth, congratulations on now having a really bad time trying to add a sister wife.
That expression has been taken to mean that having a second wife, somehow deposes the first wife of the position she holds. In reality, a husband, whose wife has let herself go, has a number of choices, when it comes to attempting to enjoy his sex life, ranging from the most attractive, being obtaining a second wife, with her consent of course, and some of the least attractive options, being wearing beer goggles all the time, or getting himself hooked on porn.

I'm pretty sure everything you just said is blaming the women for the man not being satisfied. I'd love to see some Bible verses that justifies that reality.
I'm saying the Bible says to be satisfied. So be satisfied. I'm saying the Bible doesn't say a wife needs to be A,B,C for her man to be satisfied, so why are men saying they do? Do you have any scripture that says differently than what I am saying? A women can care about her appearance and do things to please her husband (which I've already said) but that shouldn't be the standard for him being satisfied. I'm just talking basic phycology, if your woman thinks your love depends on her appearance and that's all she's worth, congratulations on now having a really bad time trying to add a sister wife.
If you look at the context of that verse, it is in Proverbs where the man is tempted to take ANOTHER man's wife. Scripture is warning him against doing so, and saying that the alternative for him is to get his own wife, with whom he can be satisfied. It's not about getting a wife, and then having her turn around and not care about her physical appearance at all! If a man thinks that his wife's worth is only in her sexual appeal to him, he is going to have a hard time trying to get a sister wife anyhow, but expecting him to find something unappealing, somehow sexually desirable, really only leaves one option, namely the beer goggles.
I'm pretty sure everything you just said is blaming the women for the man not being satisfied. I'd love to see some Bible verses that justifies that reality.
OK, so you need Scripture to convince you that men are wired to be visually attracted to a woman's physical beauty? How about we start with what Scripture states about the beauty of women such as Esther, Rachel, and Abigail, to name a few!
If you look at the context of that verse, it is in Proverbs where the man is tempted to take ANOTHER man's wife. Scripture is warning him against doing so, and saying that the alternative for him is to get his own wife, with whom he can be satisfied. It's not about getting a wife, and then having her turn around and not care about her physical appearance at all! If a man thinks that his wife's worth is only in her sexual appeal to him, he is going to have a hard time trying to get a sister wife anyhow, but expecting him to find something unappealing, somehow sexually desirable, really only leaves one option, namely the beer goggles.

Buddy, if you chose that woman to be your wife it is now your responsibility to stay satisfied.