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CHRISTMAS - Exposed!

But you aren’t local to any of us, so I’m failing to see your point.
Well I think on large scale and long terms.

I was telling PeteR:

His Message:

Thank you.

We do need places. In every state, every region, etc... in fact, there are dozens in TX who desire regular fellowship and worship. Some are fence sitters, some Torah, some evangelical... I promise you, a soft gentle approach that engages ocassionally with good logic that leave conviction and condemnation to the Most High will reap fruit. I can show you a dozen families that I met on/through BibFam that I discipled or helped disciple into Torah. They started with recognizing poly them eventually realized the whole Torah still applies.

My Message:

I hear what you are saying, but I would say that every Elder who has an area should embrace Torah Laws.
We could do Satellite Locations and if allowed live videos could be add on here from locations that have Rebbe/Teachers. We could create a Library of Videos and Lessons, I have 10 Acres of land and I am wanting to have a Tent and then move to a physical Synagogue. Later I want to buy more land next in Utah as I believe there is a lot of work there.

We would build places everywhere so people could be closer in small groups but have Holy Events in Larger Groups and still be connected year round.
This site could be one of the places for people to fellowship, it’s certainly not the only one.
But we are all too spread out for a brick and mortar structure.

Pastor Dowd has attracted people to live on his land and build his community, you might try emulating him.
I am trying, I want a network of land that everyone connects.
My RV Resort Idea is to offer Traveling people like myself to have a place called home in more than one spot.
I am trying, I want a network of land that everyone connects.
My RV Resort Idea is to offer Traveling people like myself to have a place called home in more than one spot.
You have dreams, that’s great.
But you need to find a way to build them, hope isn’t a plan.
“If you build it, they will come” may actually work for you.
But “If you dream it they will come” is going to be a much tougher path.
You have dreams, that’s great.
But you need to find a way to build them, hope isn’t a plan.
“If you build it, they will come” may actually work for you.
But “If you dream it they will come” is going to be a much tougher path.

That is what I told Luke, but he is also right that it takes people as well.
This is why I said I will most likely need to have a lot of sons who I will teach and they will help start it.
Yes, this is very long terms and it might be done when I am 90 but atleast I would die knowing I did G-ds Will.
There is a lot of steps from starting to a working Synagogue and there will be years in a desert waiting for them to grow up as well.
Awhile back my younger brother was looking for a G-dly wife and I said I will help you.
I tried so hard but everyone was not of G-d, he did meet some and got married but she is very Progressive.
Yes he is married and yes they have kids, but if you marry someone who is not of G-d then your house will burn.
I will most likely have to find a woman from another country for my son's first wife and then help him find more as he sees the need.
That is what I told Luke, but he is also right that it takes people as well.
This is why I said I will most likely need to have a lot of sons who I will teach and they will help start it.
Yes, this is very long terms and it might be done when I am 90 but atleast I would die knowing I did G-ds Will.
There is a lot of steps from starting to a working Synagogue and there will be years in a desert waiting for them to grow up as well.
Yes, it will definitely take people.
I would encourage you to study your messaging to see where you can make it more effective in drawing them.
Yes, it will definitely take people.
I would encourage you to study your messaging to see where you can make it more effective in drawing them.
I agree, but my main focus is Elders and build a Council of Elders and they will be the ones to design the interworking of The Synagogue.
I Disagree with a Pastor but a group of Elder/Rabbi who would all take turns and youth learning to be a Elder/Rabbi. So less like a Church and more like a body of Men who would teach other men and a Women and girl area to teach young girls to be wives and mothers as well as know G-d.
I agree, but my main focus is Elders and build a Council of Elders and they will be the ones to design the interworking of The Synagogue.
I Disagree with a Pastor but a group of Elder/Rabbi who would all take turns and youth learning to be a Elder/Rabbi. So less like a Church and more like a body of Men who would teach other men and a Women and girl area to teach young girls to be wives and mothers as well as know G-d.
The problem with elders is that they are made out of humans. Fallible humans.
I’ve seen a couple of multi million dollar ministries go down in flames over the problems of dealing with humans. I’ve also been in more than one partnership. Nough said.

Early on you stated that you were king of your family. You are also king of your property.
Don’t give up any of your authority to elders or any kind of a council. They may be able to help you build it faster, but it also comes apart easier. If it fails, let it be totally on you.

I don’t agree with all of Pastor Dowell’s beliefs (I believe that I spelled it wrong earlier) but he is making it work.
I think that there is a lot to be learned studying his operation.
The problem with elders is that they are made out of humans. Fallible humans.
I’ve seen a couple of multi million dollar ministries go down in flames over the problems of dealing with humans. I’ve also been in more than one partnership. Nough said.

Early on you stated that you were king of your family. You are also king of your property.
Don’t give up any of your authority to elders or any kind of a council. They may be able to help you build it faster, but it also comes apart easier. If it fails, let it be totally on you.

I don’t agree with all of Pastor Dowell’s beliefs (I believe that I spelled it wrong earlier) but he is making it work.
I think that there is a lot to be learned studying his operation.

I want it designed a lot like a Learning Institution.
Because I will most likely build it with my own family at first I will most likely have a family ownership.
But there would need to be a lot of Hard Rules like Total Torah Observance is The Foundation.
A Rabbi is a teacher and I think we need more teachers not just one.
I want it designed a lot like a Learning Institution.
Because I will most likely build it with my own family at first I will most likely have a family ownership.
But there would need to be a lot of Hard Rules like Total Torah Observance is The Foundation.
A Rabbi is a teacher and I think we need more teachers not just one.
That sounds good, just keep their authority under yours.
You all claim to believe in G-d, will your children find G-d Obeying Husbands and Wives?
Do you have gathers for them to seek husband and wives? Do you know each other well to know if their children are worth your children to marry one day?
I think you are making this problem seem more difficult by being too narrow in your theological outlook, and too controlling in your thoughts.

Do you believe the same as your parents? Probably not. Will your children believe exactly the same as you? You may hope so, but I can assure you that is quite unlikely.

The important thing is that your children choose to follow Yeshua, to the best of their understanding, and find spouses who either already have such a faith or will convert to it. That is not at all an unreachable goal. There are people all around you who follow Yeshua. All will disagree with you on some theological details, few would be willing to come under your teaching authority in some community run by yourself or along lines you think are right. But that doesn't matter.

My children have many Godly friends, met through church and homeschooling connections, and see such friends in person multiple times a week. They even attend youth groups of two churches of different denominations. Many of those friends would make entirely acceptable spouses when the time comes. All of their parents disagree with me on some theological details (some are even Catholic), but that's fine - their children have been given a foundation of Christian faith which can be developed over time as God leads.

I would much prefer my children to have a wide peer group of reasonable friends, within which they may find a reasonable spouse, than try to find the perfect one for them and have them reject this level of control and run off with the atheist next door.
I think you are making this problem seem more difficult by being too narrow in your theological outlook, and too controlling in your thoughts.

Do you believe the same as your parents? Probably not. Will your children believe exactly the same as you? You may hope so, but I can assure you that is quite unlikely.

The important thing is that your children choose to follow Yeshua, to the best of their understanding, and find spouses who either already have such a faith or will convert to it. That is not at all an unreachable goal. There are people all around you who follow Yeshua. All will disagree with you on some theological details, few would be willing to come under your teaching authority in some community run by yourself or along lines you think are right. But that doesn't matter.

My children have many Godly friends, met through church and homeschooling connections, and see such friends in person multiple times a week. They even attend youth groups of two churches of different denominations. Many of those friends would make entirely acceptable spouses when the time comes. All of their parents disagree with me on some theological details (some are even Catholic), but that's fine - their children have been given a foundation of Christian faith which can be developed over time as God leads.

I would much prefer my children to have a wide peer group of reasonable friends, within which they may find a reasonable spouse, than try to find the perfect one for them and have them reject this level of control and run off with the atheist next door.
See, what you don’t understand is he has it all figured out and will choose his daughter’s husband and his son’s wives. His son will apparently not have the freedom to choose a wife.
I think you are making this problem seem more difficult by being too narrow in your theological outlook, and too controlling in your thoughts.

Do you believe the same as your parents? Probably not. Will your children believe exactly the same as you? You may hope so, but I can assure you that is quite unlikely.

The important thing is that your children choose to follow Yeshua, to the best of their understanding, and find spouses who either already have such a faith or will convert to it. That is not at all an unreachable goal. There are people all around you who follow Yeshua. All will disagree with you on some theological details, few would be willing to come under your teaching authority in some community run by yourself or along lines you think are right. But that doesn't matter.

My children have many Godly friends, met through church and homeschooling connections, and see such friends in person multiple times a week. They even attend youth groups of two churches of different denominations. Many of those friends would make entirely acceptable spouses when the time comes. All of their parents disagree with me on some theological details (some are even Catholic), but that's fine - their children have been given a foundation of Christian faith which can be developed over time as God leads.

I would much prefer my children to have a wide peer group of reasonable friends, within which they may find a reasonable spouse, than try to find the perfect one for them and have them reject this level of control and run off with the atheist next door.

Well, I would say you sound much like most people and that is your and their rights.
But it matter who my child marries as many who claim Yahshua do not know Him.
It seems as if you have a much simpler view on how to be saved then me so as long as they be in Yahshua/Jesus it is okay.
But for people who don't share that view we expect our children to marry someone who keep Torah.
But for people who don't share that view we expect our children to marry someone who keep Torah.
@AbrahamSolomon there are many on here who agree with that statement. Where you keep crossing swords with these men is when you claim some tradition and elevate it to be equal or override Torah. Mishnah and Gemara are NOT Torah. They are rabbinic tradition and will not be accepted by anyone on this site as a requirement for righteousness. You have consistently demonstrated that you expect others to adhere to oral tradition, but this standard is nowhere incumbent on anyone. An example is the recent flap over 13 year old boys and what Torah (the written words of Moshe) actually say on the topic... If you judge brothers based on tradition you will constantly find yourself in a very small circle...
See, what you don’t understand is he has it all figured out and will choose his daughter’s husband and his son’s wives. His son will apparently not have the freedom to choose a wife.
Yep! nor will any of my children without my say.
But it would be far easier if there was a group of G-dly people who Followed Torah.
To me you both are way to laid back there are so many Gay Churches and who knows what.
My brothers wife has a gay sister and named their little girl a gender neutral names.
She Christian and she claims everything most do, but she is okay with it and think G-d is too.
Doing homework with my son. Brb
@AbrahamSolomon there are many on here who agree with that statement. Where you keep crossing swords with these men is when you claim some tradition and elevate it to be equal or override Torah. Mishnah and Gemara are NOT Torah. They are rabbinic tradition and will not be accepted by anyone on this site as a requirement for righteousness. You have consistently demonstrated that you expect others to adhere to oral tradition, but this standard is nowhere incumbent on anyone. An example is the recent flap over 13 year old boys and what Torah (the written words of Moshe) actually say on the topic... If you judge brothers based on tradition you will constantly find yourself in a very small circle...

PeteR, no one here has to do anything they don't want.
But none of my children could marry someone who don't keep our Laws.

And no one said they would but it is just something I can't change.