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CHRISTMAS - Exposed!

Yep! nor will any of my children without my say.
This shows a surprising lack of connection to reality. You think you will have that level of control over another grown man?
But it would be far easier if there was a group of G-dly people who Followed Torah.
To me you both are way to laid back there are so many Gay Churches and who knows what.
My brothers wife has a gay sister and named their little girl a gender neutral names.
She Christian and she claims everything most do, but she is okay with it and think G-d is too.
Because I know I can't control every aspect of my son's lives? What does that have to do with Gay churches? Your logic leaps (if you can call it logic) are beyond the pale. I honestly don't even understand where you come up with half of what you type out here.

I don't even expect to receive a cogent response that has anything to do with what I've written down here. Instead I expect to read some rambling stream of consciousness about some man's opinion on why the traditions of man are more important than Torah.

Three questions. Let's see if you can actually provide an answer to these instead of a response that has nothing to do with them.

1. Do you honestly believe you will have the power to choose your son's and (imaginary children's) choice in spouse, 15+ years from now?
2. I believe that I can only influence my children, train them up in the way they should go. How does this scriptural belief in any way compare to a Gay church?
3. How are you going to prevent your children current or future from marrying whomever they choose? How far are you going to go to assert your will over theirs?

PeteR, no one here has to do anything they don't want.
But none of my children could marry someone who don't keep our Laws.

And no one said they would but it is just something I can't change.
So this is an area where some of us with more and older children could give you some insight. The level of control you envision yourself having over grown children has not been achieved very often and when it has been it was frequently not through healthy means and did not being the desired result.

And there deeply conservative and strict parents in this community. There are a number of families here whose children number in the double digits (I have 15 and am not even close to having the highest number here. I met a man at a recent retreat who had 10 children who seemed quite crestfallen to learn he didn’t even crack the top three) and all of them I have met have been well behaved, disciplined and well adjusted. You won’t find and modern mamby-pamby, wishy-washy, peaceful parents fannying about around here.

So this is an area where you could pick up some tips if you could hear others talk.
This shows a surprising lack of connection to reality. You think you will have that level of control over another grown man?

Because I know I can't control every aspect of my son's lives? What does that have to do with Gay churches? Your logic leaps (if you can call it logic) are beyond the pale. I honestly don't even understand where you come up with half of what you type out here.

I don't even expect to receive a cogent response that has anything to do with what I've written down here. Instead I expect to read some rambling stream of consciousness about some man's opinion on why the traditions of man are more important than Torah.

Three questions. Let's see if you can actually provide an answer to these instead of a response that has nothing to do with them.

1. Do you honestly believe you will have the power to choose your son's and (imaginary children's) choice in spouse, 15+ years from now?
What does that have to do with Gay churches? So many Churches are not turning Gay and FollowingHim seems to not be worried about what is being learn by future son or daughter-in-lawdaughter-in-law.

But once you Say Yes your daughter's title is no longer yours but her husbands and you have no say.
My brother was like FollowingHim he just wanted a woman who said they believed and married her.
Not his wife disrespect him all the time because she was not told Wives Submit to your Husbands and he is paying for it.

2. I believe that I can only influence my children, train them up in the way they should go. How does this scriptural belief in any way compare to a Gay church?

(The important thing is that your children choose to follow Yeshua) & (All of their parents disagree with me on some theological details (some are even Catholic), but that's fine - their children have been given a foundation of Christian faith which can be developed over time as God leads.)

The Catholic Church is full of pagan worship so they would have to repeat thar denomination and commit to G-ds Laws.

Every male must be circumcised and Obey G-d.

3. How are you going to prevent your children current or future from marrying whomever they choose? How far are you going to go to assert your will over theirs?
I homeschool and my son won't drive by himself till he is married.
If my son becomes an unbeliever he loses everything that might have been his.
He is not a complete man till he is married.

If you disagree that is 100% Okay, I Love my G-d and I Love my kids and I will protect them so they might be a Light To The World!

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So this is an area where some of us with more and older children could give you some insight. The level of control you envision yourself having over grown children has not been achieved very often and when it has been it was frequently not through healthy means and did not being the desired result.

Please understand unlike some G-ds Laws Say We Must Believe there is a G-d and we have just 1 G-d.
We teach our kids they must Believe in G-d and Obey we do not say you should Obey.
  1. To know that G-d exists (Ex. 20:2; Deut. 5:6) (CCA1). See What Do Jews Believe?.
  2. Not to entertain the idea that there is any god but the Eternal (Ex. 20:3) (CCN8). See What Do Jews Believe?.
  3. Not to blaspheme (Ex. 22:27; in Christian texts, Ex. 22:28), the penalty for which is death (Lev. 24:16) (negative).
  4. To hallow G-d's name (Lev. 22:32) (CCA5). See The Name of G-d.
  5. Not to profane G-d's name (Lev . 22:32) (CCN155). See The Name of G-d.
  6. To know that G-d is One, a complete Unity (Deut. 6:4) (CCA2). See What Do Jews Believe?.
  7. To love G-d (Deut. 6:5) (CCA3). See What Do Jews Believe?.
  8. To fear Him reverently (Deut. 6:13; 10:20) (CCA4).
  9. Not to put the word of G-d to the test (Deut. 6:16) (negative).
  10. To imitate His good and upright ways (Deut. 28:9) (CCA6).

And there deeply conservative and strict parents in this community. There are a number of families here whose children number in the double digits (I have 15 and am not even close to having the highest number here. I met a man at a recent retreat who had 10 children who seemed quite crestfallen to learn he didn’t even crack the top three) and all of them I have met have been well behaved, disciplined and well adjusted. You won’t find and modern mamby-pamby, wishy-washy, peaceful parents fannying about around here.

So this is an area where you could pick up some tips if you could hear others talk.

I hear you and all I am saying is I must remain strict.

It will be much easier if I have all boys as any girl / future woman who marries one of my sons will just have to Submit to her Husband in All things and that includes Torah and all their sons must be circumcised not shave or cut their sidelocks as well as many other Laws.

But if I have a girl I must know her her future husband very well and I will put him to a test before I give my approval.
He must not shave his beard and grow sidelocks and Obey Torah.

I don't mind others telling me what they have dealt with but I will not even allow my children to date.
See, what you don’t understand is he has it all figured

What does that have to do with Gay churches? So many Churches are not turning Gay and FollowingHim seems to not be worried about what is being learn by future son or daughter-in-lawdaughter-in-law.

But once you Say Yes your daughter's title is no longer yours but her husbands and you have no say.
My brother was like FollowingHim he just wanted a woman who said they believed and married her.
Not his wife disrespect him all the time because she was not told Wives Submit to your Husbands and he is paying for it.

(The important thing is that your children choose to follow Yeshua) & (All of their parents disagree with me on some theological details (some are even Catholic), but that's fine - their children have been given a foundation of Christian faith which can be developed over time as God leads.)

The Catholic Church is full of pagan worship so they would have to repeat thar denomination and commit to G-ds Laws.

Every male must be circumcised and Obey G-d.

I homeschool and my son won't drive by himself till he is married.
If my son becomes an unbeliever he loses everything that might have been his.
He is not a complete man till he is married.

If you disagree that is 100% Okay, I Love my G-d and I Love my kids and I will protect them so they might be a Light To The World!

You will be getting rebellion inside your family. 100% guarantee if you have 3 sons.

They will want to live their own lives and make decisions for themselves. It's mark of adulthood. How will they do this if their father decided everything important for them? Will they with 25 be able to decide anything without father's approval? Or will they behave as children in body of 25 man?

Do yo know what is the worst? Your sons will leave your faith because of you. And they won't be willing to go back to faith because that means being treated as child as grown up man.
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You will be getting rebellion inside your family. 100% guarantee if you have 3 sons.

They will want to live their own lives and make decisions for themselves. It's mark of adulthood. How will they do this is their father decided everything important for them? Will they with 25 be able to decide anything without father's approval? Or will they behave as children in body of 25 man?

Do yo know what is the worst? Your sons will leave your faith because of you. And they won't be willing to go back to faith because that means being treated as child as grown up man.

I am very complex and I know none of you get me and I get that.
My son Eli will get done with HS by 13 and starting his Associate's degrees.
So he will be done with school much faster than most kids and he will get Married Hopefully between (18 - 21)
He already has a income waiting for him once he is old enough so he will be able to take care of a wife/wives and kids.
We have land so he just needs to build a house on the land.

He won't date so when I find that Perfect First Wife He will Love her with All His Heart and Soul.

When I was 5 yrs old I asked my girlfriend to marry me and gave her a ring.
Even at that age I know what I wanted, I did not want a Girlfriend I wanted a Wife.
I teach my son what it means to be a Daddy and a Husband and why its Important for Keeping G-d Laws.

Every Man Must be a Man of At least 1 Wife as we are Told to
  1. To be fruitful and multiply (Gen. 1:28) (CCA43).
G-d Bless
Your plan doesn't sound like you're allowing God's influence in any of it. What if God wants your son to be a missionary in Zambia and not get married until he's 30? Where is God's will in all this? You can think of what YOU want for your son, but what God wants is far more important.
Your plan doesn't sound like you're allowing God's influence in any of it. What if God wants your son to be a missionary in Zambia and not get married until he's 30? Where is God's will in all this? You can think of what YOU want for your son, but what God wants is far more important.
Well said.

Jesus taught His disciples to pray... "Your kingdom come. Your will be done" (Matt. 6:10). Far too many people want God to build them a kingdom and their will to be His objective. Sad sad.
my son won't drive by himself till he is married.
Honestly, that's insane. Do I really need to explain why?
Your sons will leave your faith because of you.
This is 100% correct if you keep going down this track of control.
When I was 5 yrs old I asked my girlfriend to marry me and gave her a ring.
Even at that age I know what I wanted, I did not want a Girlfriend I wanted a Wife.
At 5 you knew what you wanted. But your son is supposed to just accept what his father wants and not have a mind of his own, even when he's 20?
So many Churches are not turning Gay and FollowingHim seems to not be worried about what is being learn by future son or daughter-in-lawdaughter-in-law.
You have twisted my words into the worst possible light and decided to believe a story you invented in your own head. I very much care about the beliefs held by my future sons- and daughters-in-law. However, I am realistic enough to know that they will not be being taught exactly what I believe - because, like you and everyone here to a greater or lesser extent, I am weird. :)

I want my children to find spouses who love God, sincerely want to seek Him with all their heart, and do whatever they believe He is telling them to do. I also desire those beliefs to conform with my own, and will obviously teach my children what I believe to be true - beliefs I came to through sincerely seeking God myself. But sincerity in devotion to God is what matters, theological detail is far less important. We are not saved by "having exactly the right theology", but by grace through faith.
But none of my children could marry someone who don't keep our Laws.

What if they do? What if one of your kids decides they like bacon and baby back pork ribs? What if they become a Southern Baptist? What then?
Honestly, that's insane. Do I really need to explain why?

This is 100% correct if you keep going down this track of control.

At 5 you knew what you wanted. But your son is supposed to just accept what his father wants and not have a mind of his own, even when he's 20?

You have twisted my words into the worst possible light and decided to believe a story you invented in your own head. I very much care about the beliefs held by my future sons- and daughters-in-law. However, I am realistic enough to know that they will not be being taught exactly what I believe - because, like you and everyone here to a greater or lesser extent, I am weird. :)

I want my children to find spouses who love God, sincerely want to seek Him with all their heart, and do whatever they believe He is telling them to do. I also desire those beliefs to conform with my own, and will obviously teach my children what I believe to be true - beliefs I came to through sincerely seeking God myself. But sincerity in devotion to God is what matters, theological detail is far less important. We are not saved by "having exactly the right theology", but by grace through faith.

We must not be like them and we must live with them.
We must live apart and be with G-d Believing People who our children only know G-d.
If we build this place of G-d Obeying people everyone will be strong in G-d and our children as well.

This World is Evil and it must easier to slip into darkness then keep in The Light.
We must bring together Everyone and Hold Each Other to The Law with Love.
What if they do? What if one of your kids decides they like bacon and baby back pork ribs? What if they become a Southern Baptist? What then?

I will love everyone of my children and pray G-d Leads them back to Him.
But also I am a Lion and I will not lay low and I will speak my mind and my Heart!
They must wipe of that board and seek its roots so that it is Built with Clean Bricks or the sins of The Lost Churches still stains them.
Most denominations are formed by people seeking the roots of the church!
The denominational differences exist because people disagree on what those roots are.
Your plan doesn't sound like you're allowing God's influence in any of it. What if God wants your son to be a missionary in Zambia and not get married until he's 30? Where is God's will in all this? You can think of what YOU want for your son, but what God wants is far more important.

G-d Owns Everyone all you need to do is wake up and see that and be Saved.
Know I am G-d, Know I am 1 G-d, Obey my Laws.
Not I hope you know I am G-d, I hope that you know I am 1 G-d and hey could you follow some of my Laws? Please!

Satan is influencing Everyone's children one by one to leave G-d.
If you leave that door open they will be lead out and they might not return.

What is G-d Will for Everyone? Obey Him and Do as He tells us.
Why are we here? For G-ds Purposes and that is it Teach G-ds Word and Feed The Poor.
Most denominations are formed by people seeking the roots of the church!
The denominational differences exist because people disagree on what those roots are.
Most are from their Mother and that is why they have her DNA and only when we Wash that away and Seek G-d's Word will it be called Clean.
There are some out there but very few.
What is G-d Will for Everyone? Obey Him and Do as He tells us.
You are not allowing space to 'do as God tells you'. You have a plan you want to force on your children that may be the opposite of God's plan. He has individual ideas for all of us, and what His plans are for one person are not what His plans are for another.
If God tells your son to go be a missionary overseas, or to never marry and be focussed on Him only, would you have your son obey God and do as He tells him to? Or to follow you?