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CHRISTMAS - Exposed!

You are not allowing space to 'do as God tells you'. You have a plan you want to force on your children that may be the opposite of God's plan. He has individual ideas for all of us, and what His plans are for one person are not what His plans are for another.
If God tells your son to go be a missionary overseas, or to never marry and be focussed on Him only, would you have your son obey God and do as He tells him to? Or to follow you?
Every man must marry as it is a Law. "To be fruitful and multiply (Gen. 1:28) (CCA43)."
G-d's Plan is Every man to be His Servant and Teach G-ds Word what you do for money is less important as long as it don't break G-ds Laws.

I Personal Believe Paul is saying Every Bishop and Deacon must be a husband of 1 Wife to mean just like in Judaism.

You have a:
(Young Man) 13 "He just became a man and has a lot to learn"
(Grown Man) 20 "He has grown and became strong but is not Whole yet."
(Complete Man) Married "He is whole"
(More Developed Man) Has more than one wife.

All Men and Adults

Most Young men don't marry because they can't support their Wife/Wives, but a Man who is married is a much fuller in Himself.
Women are G-ds Gifts to Men if they Obey G-d and their Husbands and Men are Gifts of G-d if he is with a G-d Fearing, Obeying Man.

Lets build a garden that our children only for Kosher and Organic Fruits to Pick from and their seeds will Remain in G-d!
But if you plant your seed into other grounds your seeds will become corrupted and fall off.
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Well said.

Jesus taught His disciples to pray... "Your kingdom come. Your will be done" (Matt. 6:10). Far too many people want God to build them a kingdom and their will to be His objective. Sad sad.

Don't let you children swim with sharks nor let your sheep play in lions dens.
My son was reading some of the post and he said "Dad, I want to marry a Jew like me so that she Obeys G-d too."
Jesus wasn't married.

Yahshua was meant to teach and die for our sins not get married and have a family.
There is a verse that I am not able to find in the Old Testament that said something like "No women would seek him in marriage"
Twelve pages in and I'm still going to be celebrating Christmas. I got a cookie press yesterday and I have twelve different shapes of sugar cookies me and the girls are going to be making tonight.

Last night it was Pfefferneuse and Linzer cookies. I've got my gingerbread cookie dough chilling in the fridge and they'll be getting made tomorrow.

The trees are up and decorated. The menorah is on the mantle for Hannukah and the kids will get their dreidel game in before they get their chocolate coins (gelt).

We may not have a ton of rules in this house but we do have a lot of love and a lot of fun. :)
And what if that is your son's role in life?

Also, if it is a sin not to get married, then Jesus sinned. You have to think through what you're saying, mate.

Man's Mission is having Families and Obeying G-d.
Yahshua was too die so having kids would not have been in that plan.
So why did His Kids not become Teachers? There was none.
Man's Mission is having Families and Obeying G-d.
Yahshua was too die so having kids would not have been in that plan.
So why did His Kids not become Teachers? There was none.
You are not thinking through what you are saying.

You said it's the law to get married (I disagree, but that's what you said), so then every person that does not get married is sinning, because sin is disobeying the law.
Either it is the law you have to get married, or it is not.
If it is the law, then every single person in history, including Jesus, and John the Baptist, who weren't married, were sinning.
If it is not the law, then it is fine for some people to not get married if that is God's plan for them.
God does not have one law for some people and one law for others.

So answer my question now. Is it against the law to not get married?
Twelve pages in and I'm still going to be celebrating Christmas. I got a cookie press yesterday and I have twelve different shapes of sugar cookies me and the girls are going to be making tonight.

Last night it was Pfefferneuse and Linzer cookies. I've got my gingerbread cookie dough chilling in the fridge and they'll be getting made tomorrow.

The trees are up and decorated. The menorah is on the mantle for Hannukah and the kids will get their dreidel game in before they get their chocolate coins (gelt).

We may not have a ton of rules in this house but we do have a lot of love and a lot of fun. :)

All that is your right and there are tons of people will agree with you, but no one in my "house" or my children's "house/s" would ever be able to marry anyone who believes like you and your house. And it is okay, but it is just truth.
You are not thinking through what you are saying.

You said it's the law to get married (I disagree, but that's what you said), so then every person that does not get married is sinning, because sin is disobeying the law.
Either it is the law you have to get married, or it is not.
If it is the law, then every single person in history, including Jesus, and John the Baptist, who weren't married, were sinning.
If it is not the law, then it is fine for some people to not get married if that is God's plan for them.
God does not have one law for some people and one law for others.

So answer my question now. Is it against the law to not get married?
So answer my question now.

Reply: I will Answer when I want too and I do not Obey a woman demanding me to do anything.
Women have no Authority Over any man. Ask nicely and I might.
So you can't answer the question then. Avoidance isn't an answer. I would suggest you think a lot more about what you're saying and what you believe before you turn your children against God.

I'm out.
And he wasn’t married and didn’t have kids. As too were a number of Old Testament prophets.

I have never looked or tried to look in to that, many time The Bible just don't talk about people who don't seem to matter.

Which prophet did not marry in the Bible?

The prophet Jeremiah, who apparently chose not to have children, is the only prophet who did not marry. Even in biblical times, however, there were prescribed periods of sexual abstinence in connection with rituals and sacrifices and the prosecution of holy wars.

So you can't answer the question then. Avoidance isn't an answer. I would suggest you think a lot more about what you're saying and what you believe before you turn your children against God.

I'm out.

Be respectful and understand your not a man and not in Authority Over any man.
So if you want to ask I will reply, sometime in The Bible there are unique situations but is not The Law itself.
As when helping on Shabbat is for a good deed.
Be respectful and understand your not a man and not in Authority Over any man.
So if you want to ask I will reply, sometime in The Bible there are unique situations but is not The Law itself.
As when helping on Shabbat is for a good deed.
If you want to be respected, you need to be respectful.
Even to other men’s wives.
Treat them as if they are your sister in Yah.
If you want to be respected, you need to be respectful.
Even to other men’s wives.
Treat them as if they are your sister in Yah.

She was not Respectful and Demanded me to reply and I said No.
Women do not demand they need to ask and then I might reply.
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I have never looked or tried to look in to that, many time The Bible just don't talk about people who don't seem to matter.

Which prophet did not marry in the Bible?

The prophet Jeremiah, who apparently chose not to have children, is the only prophet who did not marry. Even in biblical times, however, there were prescribed periods of sexual abstinence in connection with rituals and sacrifices and the prosecution of holy wars.

Daniel didn’t marry. We have no indication about a host of others as well. The point being that you’ve elevated another tradition in to a command. You have to stop doing that.