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CHRISTMAS - Exposed!

Are they special?

Talmudic Judaism teaches that there is something qualitatively different about Jews (hence your automatic statement "I have Jewish DNA and that linked DNA is Jewish.").

But scripture teaches that there is nothing special about the Israelites or Jews - they were chosen by God purely by grace, despite being a "stiff-necked people" who did not deserve to be chosen. He just wished to reveal himself to the world through a group of people, and chose to use the Israelites. They were so undeserving he almost wiped them out and re-started through Moses! Nevertheless he chose to bless them anyway, even though they were not special.
Are they special?

Talmudic Judaism teaches that there is something qualitatively different about Jews (hence your automatic statement "I have Jewish DNA and that linked DNA is Jewish.").

But scripture teaches that there is nothing special about the Israelites or Jews - they were chosen by God purely by grace, despite being a "stiff-necked people" who did not deserve to be chosen. He just wished to reveal himself to the world through a group of people, and chose to use the Israelites. They were so undeserving he almost wiped them out and re-started through Moses! Nevertheless he chose to bless them anyway, even though they were not special.

I will do more a later.


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Circumcision is forbidden for Christians (Galatians 5:2).

Do not confuse "not required" (or even, not required initially) with "forbidden".

Note, of course: Had Paul made the unbelievable mistake of so claiming, he would have contradicted His Master Himself. And, he would've been a "liar, and the Truth not in him."

Do not confuse "not required" (or even, not required initially) with "forbidden".

Note, of course: Had Paul made the unbelievable mistake of so claiming, he would have contradicted His Master Himself. And, he would've been a "liar, and the Truth not in him."

General Statement based on this post.

This is the main foundation of Everything I have written, I am not saying The New Testament is not Right and that All The Books don't Belong.
I am saying they either Agree with what was Written or 2 things 1. We must understand them or 2. They are a lie and fake.
Now, how would we get a better understanding. We put together a Group of G-d Obeying Men (Keeping The Laws) who's Hearts and Faith Agree with Finding Truth and not in what a person wishes to be True.
General Statement based on this post.

This is the main foundation of Everything I have written, I am not saying The New Testament is not Right and that All The Books don't Belong.
I am saying they either Agree with what was Written or 2 things 1. We must understand them or 2. They are a lie and fake.
Now, how would we get a better understanding. We put together a Group of G-d Obeying Men (Keeping The Laws) who's Hearts and Faith Agree with Finding Truth and not in what a person wishes to be True.
And who gets to appoint the members of this committee?
I don't see any need to re-open a question that was solved for us many centuries ago by committees of church leaders far closer to the time of Jesus and able to draw on far more first-hand knowledge. Whatever we attempted to do today, we would have less information to go on and would inevitably make worse decisions as a result.
And who gets to appoint the members of this committee?
That is a Great Question and a Hard one to give an answer to.
Every Male who is 14 (Keeping To The Laws of G-d) has a Right to Speak and Debate G-ds Laws.
I believe we must design an education place that Every Male of 14+ will be able to Read and Debate Everything.

Now overtime we can seek out Elders who Keep The Laws and Teach The Laws and that might take awhile.

We "Men" are Kings in our own Families and Houses and our Wives and Children
But we need Elders to (help) Lead and Mold future Generations and We shall be set apart not like The Unbeliever as We Believe.

Also I am a Jew and All my Children and their Children will be Jews, if someone is determined to be called something else that is on them as long as we all Obey All of G-ds Laws, Now because I have a line of Kohen all of my sons and their son till the end of this earth must be under The Kohanim and Levites.

If I need to explain that every male who Believes in G-ds Laws I will explain more, but Every male 14+ will have that right.

I will be a big part in this creation because it is my life and my mission to see this some to be.

We will not need a High Priest as Yahshua is our High Priest, but we do have Priest/Senior Elders and Rebbes/Elders.

The Temple will be designed as G-d Tells us it was Built and The Holy Place will be a Religious Library and Learning Center.

Hebrew and Aramaic will be a requirement to get a Bar Mitzvah and we must Learn His Laws.

We can offer our own degrees so Children can get free education we can know if of G-d.

This is my Mission and if you agree then join me and if not May G-d lead you to Him by another way so you are not an Island alone.
I don't see any need to re-open a question that was solved for us many centuries ago by committees of church leaders far closer to the time of Jesus and able to draw on far more first-hand knowledge. Whatever we attempted to do today, we would have less information to go on and would inevitably make worse decisions as a result.

FollowingHim: We do it every day when we seek G-d Word and see stuff that if taken at face value contradict each other, but once you dig deeper you see Truth as The Bibles we have can't be read without digging into its Hebrew Meanings. But everyone who is fine with what they believe to be true and do not want to dig deeper then stay in the shallow Waters and May G-ds Truth come to you from there.
FollowingHim: We do it every day when we seek G-d Word and see stuff that if taken at face value contradict each other, but once you dig deeper you see Truth as The Bibles we have can't be read without digging into its Hebrew Meanings. But everyone who is fine with what they believe to be true and do not want to dig deeper then stay in the shallow Waters and May G-ds Truth come to you from there.
Is the truth built up by the opinions and teaching of the Elders? Or should it be re-interpreted by each generation?

Judaism believes we should understand scripture in light of the interpretation given by the rabbis, and understanding is refined over time by their statements. You yourself keep interpreting scripture in light of their interpretation - such as your statement above that "every male who is 14 has a right to speak" - where does that age of 14 come from? I'm guessing the opinion of some rabbi. Yet you cite it as fact.

Orthodox and Catholic Christianity also believe scripture should be understood in light of the interpretation given by church councils over the years. The fundamental difference is that the particular individuals in those councils had different opinions, so have guided the church in a different direction to the one that the Jews have gone in.

So, back to the question - should we be basing our beliefs on scripture alone? Or should we accept the guidance of past committees to assist with this?

Please be consistent with your answer.
Is the truth built up by the opinions and teaching of the Elders? Or should it be re-interpreted by each generation?

Judaism believes we should understand scripture in light of the interpretation given by the rabbis, and understanding is refined over time by their statements. You yourself keep interpreting scripture in light of their interpretation - such as your statement above that "every male who is 14 has a right to speak" - where does that age of 14 come from? I'm guessing the opinion of some rabbi. Yet you cite it as fact.

Orthodox and Catholic Christianity also believe scripture should be understood in light of the interpretation given by church councils over the years. The fundamental difference is that the particular individuals in those councils had different opinions, so have guided the church in a different direction to the one that the Jews have gone in.

So, back to the question - should we be basing our beliefs on scripture alone? Or should we accept the guidance of past committees to assist with this?

Please be consistent with your answer.

We all have opinions and some are more educated than others (and right now we disagree on who is who).
I do not agree with everything in The Talmud, but believe it is a good historical source and that is how everything outside The Bible should be seen.
Just like Pastors with Best Selling Books are just opinions seeking Truth.

This should never stop in seeking G-ds Truth.
where does that age of 14 come from?
My son is about to start His learning for his Bar Mitzvah and it seems I am off a year because its 13, but some kids have to wait till later as its not easy to do. Now I looked up when Yahshua first talked and debated he was 12, but maybe that was a shock He was so informed so young. Boys and Girls in G-ds Eyes are Adults much younger than Americans today and are seen ready to take of this task.

I do not allow my son to date and I will pick his first wife. Daughters will not leave home till they are Married by whom I pick and agree on.
He will be seen as a full Adult once he is married to his first wife. She will not leave home till she is under her husbands roof and not under mine.

All of my sons and their wives will live on my land and every land we buy.
Daughters do not inherit so that the land is not divided but kept together.
All of my sons will take care of any sisters, mothers and females in our family who are in need or widowed.
So, you accept that the age of 13 is a crucial age because the rabbis said so.
But you are unsure which books should be in the scripture, even though the rabbis clearly state that also.

Whenever you personally like what the rabbis say, you cite the rabbis as your authority and leave it at that, as if the rabbis saying it is definitive proof that it is correct, you have no need to prove it from scripture. But whenever you personally dislike what the rabbis say, you just go and believe whatever feels right to you.

This is why I keep asking you "why" you believe certain things. You seem to have no solid grounding behind your beliefs. You cherrypick ideas from here and there, without proving them yourself. Which reminds me of "children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine" (Ephesians 4:14).
So, you accept that the age of 13 is a crucial age because the rabbis said so.
But you are unsure which books should be in the scripture, even though the rabbis clearly state that also.

Whenever you personally like what the rabbis say, you cite the rabbis as your authority and leave it at that, as if the rabbis saying it is definitive proof that it is correct, you have no need to prove it from scripture. But whenever you personally dislike what the rabbis say, you just go and believe whatever feels right to you.

This is why I keep asking you "why" you believe certain things. You seem to have no solid grounding behind your beliefs. You cherrypick ideas from here and there, without proving them yourself. Which reminds me of "children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine" (Ephesians 4:14).
You are far off. I Study and Learn and my understanding is not always the same as their.

Example: I eat turkey/chicken with cheese from cows and goats cheese but not beef.
I do not eat goat meat with goat cheese. But Most Jews don't eat Meat and with any Cheese.
This is because The Sin is Eat The Offspring and its Mother Dairy and I have asked would this apply to Eggs and Chicken.
Most Jew say Eggs are not meat so they don't apply. But we eat salmon and cheese but they say it don't count.

Besides I have shown you that Yahshua was 12 and most likely a year younger than other kids who would do so.
He was also on Fire with knowledge when most kids His age would be less likely to care as much.

This is why I keep asking you "why" you believe certain things. You seem to have no solid grounding behind your beliefs. You cherrypick ideas from here and there, without proving them yourself. Which reminds me of "children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine" (Ephesians 4:14).

Put more effort into when you read and learn to ask more than to just post such stuff. No One should just taking another person words as they must seek Truth themselves. I have come here asking important questions to get people to state their views and instead of understanding you treat me poorly. Instead ask nicely what areas you feel I have not shown proof instead of interrogating me like they did Yahshua.
Example: I eat turkey/chicken with cheese from cows and goats cheese but not beef.
I do not eat goat meat with goat cheese. But Most Jews don't eat Meat and with any Cheese.
This is because The Sin is Eat The Offspring and its Mother Dairy and I have asked would this apply to Eggs and Chicken.
Most Jew say Eggs are not meat so they don't apply. But we eat salmon and cheese but they say it don't count.
Glad to hear you've thought that one through to some degree - I'd take that thinking a lot further but it's a good start.
Instead ask nicely what areas you feel I have not shown proof
Well, there's the issues of "G-d" and your confusing use of the word "Jew", but I think we've talked those to death and I don't intend to raise them again. But they were just little details I cherrypicked from your statements to discuss further. I won't rehash the past, I'll just try to be clear next time you say something that I don't feel you've proven.
My son is about to start His learning for his Bar Mitzvah and it seems I am off a year because its 13, but some kids have to wait till later as its not easy to do. Now I looked up when Yahshua first talked and debated he was 12, but maybe that was a shock He was so informed so young. Boys and Girls in G-ds Eyes are Adults much younger than Americans today and are seen ready to take of this task.

I do not allow my son to date and I will pick his first wife. Daughters will not leave home till they are Married by whom I pick and agree on.
He will be seen as a full Adult once he is married to his first wife. She will not leave home till she is under her husbands roof and not under mine.

All of my sons and their wives will live on my land and every land we buy.
Daughters do not inherit so that the land is not divided but kept together.
All of my sons will take care of any sisters, mothers and females in our family who are in need or widowed.
Oh man are you in for some rude awakenings. Good luck.
I have no clue on what you are saying.
I’m saying that you are at the very beginning of this thing. You have one son and apparently no daughters. You have no idea what curve balls life is going to throw at you. Especially once you start having daughters. And I have eight daughters so I have some experience in this area.

So I’m wishing you good luck. All men should have goals. Yours aren’t the worst I’ve ever heard. They’re probably the most aspirarional I’ve heard in a while but there’s nothing wrong with that.

I look forward over the course of the next 20 years hearing how it’s all coming along for you. From rewriting the New Testament, to building the Temple and raising perfect children; your days will be full going forward. I’m getting tired just thinking about it.