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Convoy 2022 NZ

Kiwi ingenuity at it's finest.

So the cops are being really annoying about letting the trucks in to clean the portaloos. But they forget that plenty of builders and plumbers have lost their jobs due to the govt mandates and have nothing better to do but to hang around at the protest.

May I present to you, the Peehive. (This is a play on the word Beehive which is the name of our parliament building).
These flushing toilets are in the middle of a currently blocked intersection, plumbed straight into the wastewater drain. The local council is going nuts trying to figure out how it was allowed to happen lol.

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Ummm. Maybe that is because polishittans 'ave an inflated opinion of their own importance. They think that nothing good could happen without their approval. They didn't wave their golden scepter....how dare someone install a toilet!!
Kiwi ingenuity at it's finest.

So the cops are being really annoying about letting the trucks in to clean the portaloos. But they forget that plenty of builders and plumbers have lost their jobs due to the govt mandates and have nothing better to do but to hang around at the protest.
Protests are good time-filler for people without work.
Ummm. Maybe that is because polishittans 'ave an inflated opinion of their own importance. They think that nothing good could happen without their approval. They didn't wave their golden scepter....how dare someone install a toilet!!
Remind me of Eurocrats in Brussels. All things are fixable with regulation.
At 12.30 last night the police came and took away the shower block. There was a lot of tension with people thinking they were going to push in again and try to take the toilets too. This didn't happen. The police and politicians keep complaining to the media that the protest is unhealthy and unsanitary, but they won't let them clean the toilets and they take away the showers.

The police are now refusing to let anyone in with any tents or camping gear. Once guy tried to enter with a pole for his flag and the police wouldn't let him take it in as it's a 'weapon'.

The police are planning a massive operation to clear the protest in Wellington, and possibly by some reports to simultaneously clear protests from other places in the country, within the next few hours. The most likely time for this to begin is 4:30am NZT, which is 10:30am Tuesday Eastern Time in the USA.

Police have been training with tear gas and water cannons, this is likely to be a worse situation than the brutality of a few weeks ago.

You could pray that this would be entirely false rumours that have been spread to demoralise the protestors, and would not actually be real. But this is highly unlikely however, the sources on this are very numerous and robust. There are people who sympathise with the protestors in the police who are directly warning them about this.

So please pray that the operation would fail, and the protests would remain. Pray for peace and calm. Pray that the rank-and-file police themselves would refuse to conduct this operation and would side with the people.

There is a report that the police commissioner (the head of police) has been blackmailed into clearing the protest, by being told by the politicians he will be fired if he does not clear it. This, if true, would be illegal - the police are legally required to act independently of the government without political interference. But just because something is illegal never stopped a politician...

Late evening press release from the protest:
It is unlikely that the whole of the police will stand with the people, but if even a few object to the underhanded and coercive....not to mention violent treatment it may encourage others in a right direction.

I usually pray the Lord's prayer and ask Him to use the actions of all who love him to advance His kingdom. Of course He can and does use the actions of the wicked that hate Him to the same end.

My thoughts this morning are that when the day finally comes that every knee bows.. . Well, that sounds a bit like a Stragglemuster with those slower to understand finally getting it right and joining those already aligned with the prince of peace.

No matter what today holds....we will be one day closer to that blessed time when this day is done.

Praying for strength and courage for all who love Him.....and HOPE!
Last night the police came in and cleared the streets in Wellington. They've pushed everyone back to parliament grounds are are telling people to leave. They have taken over all the vehicles, tents etc on the roads, including smashing the windows of many cars. The protestors were pushed back under threat of being arrested or pepper sprayed. Both did occur and one person did mention tear gas, but he might be mistaken.

The protestors have moved all the children, elderly, and vulnerable to some cars in a side street so they are not at risk of what's going on.

The police are currently still pushing everyone. Their intent is removing everyone today. They are pepper spraying, arresting, and have batons.

This is the live feed I'm currently watching. This is Chantelle Baker. She also has a woman named Megan doing a separate live on her channel.
She also has a woman named Megan doing a separate live on her channel.
The second live went offline, but Chantelle's one is still going. The riot police are there now, in full riot gear. All for people who are literally just standing there.

The police have been taking more ground all morning and any tents or marquees they obtain they are ripping and destroying so they cannot be used again.
There has been a standoff in the same spot for several hours now, with the police unable to push in any further without serious violence.

Samuel has once again gone into Christchurch to protest outside the police station. And in a sign of how volatile things now are, he has not taken any of our children, and has taken our swimming goggles with him just in case of pepper spray. He's not expecting any violence, and he will not be violent at all, but we can't trust anyone now.

It hurts to watch this. It hurts to see how incredibly corrupted our system is. It hurts to see ordinary and beautiful NZers being attacked and pepper sprayed for standing up for their most basic human rights.

And it hurts to see the lies. Just this morning MSM is saying there are children on the front line, there are not. That the protestors have pitchforks and shields, they do not. That the protestors are violent, they are not.
Truly evil.
I'm sure they are using the war in Ukraine as cover for action. News sources are obsessed about Russia right now and won't notice what is going on in NZ.

The King of Heaven sees, and vengeance is His. He will repay.

I'm praying for you guys, and in particular that the Lord will protect Samuel.
Looks like it's somewhat over. The police have mostly cleared parliament grounds. In the process they managed to pepper spray 5 children. They also knocked over a generator onto a tent which then caught fire. Then antifa decided to make the fire worse by throwing stuff on it and lighting a bunch more fires. It turned into a riot, but the only people rioting were quite obvious antifa people. They've all been caught on camera and that info will be going to the police.

This video is after the one I posted above. It shows the fires and antifa and the push to get people out of parliament grounds. These videos are super long, so I don't expect you guys to watch them, but they're there if you're interested.
So some of these videos say unavailable, because they can't be embedded. But if you click 'watch on Facebook', then you can watch it there. Or just go to Chantelle Baker's page.
Did NZ Goverment relax COVID measures? If so, that is victory.
No. They said the children could play sport even though they weren't vaccinated, that's it.
They have done literally nothing. Changed nothing.
They have said that because there are so many cases now that they will not be contract tracing, but it's still law and required that you sign in everywhere you go for absolutely no reason.
I sat outside the door of the central police station in Christchurch today for 6 hours, talking to every cop and anyone else who came through the door. Just letting them know what was going on, so it couldn't be secretive. Some were visibly shocked and hopefully went on to investigate further and keep discussions going. While I was sitting I was reading the Bible occasionally. After one particular interaction with a cop who was clearly impacted, my Bible fell open at the parable of the sower, which was very encouraging. I know I was sowing seeds. I have no idea what good it will have done.

There was a disappointingly small but determined crowd of the core hardline protestors outside the police station also, holding signs and flags, writing in chalk on the footpath and so forth. It was a depressing day, as we watched the live feeds and then would let people walking past know what the latest brutality was.

This is a major turning-point, and will necessitate a change in strategy. I do not know what that will look like. It is a concerning prospect.