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Convoy 2022 NZ

This is just epic. Last week the police arranged alternative parking for people at a nearby stadium, and paid for this, in an attempt to persuade people to move their vehicles off-site and into there instead, to avoid being ticketed. Then a couple of days ago they closed off the protest site with concrete barricades and only allowed vehicles out. As a result the numbers of people and vehicles on-site have been thinning out.

But today the police announced that they would stop paying for the stadium parking, and people would have to stop camping there, remove tents etc and start paying for their own parking. There were about 70 vehicles at the stadium.

Also, the police politely gave the protestors a heads-up at 9pm tonight that they'd be coming in at 10pm at a particular location to move the barricades in further.

So, at about 9:30-9:45pm or so, a convoy of vehicles suddenly arrived at the grounds on the opposite side to where the police were concentrated. The people had managed to open a gap in the barricade, and got approximately 60 more vehicles into the site before the police managed to scramble and get back around that side to stop them!

Now the 10pm operation doesn't seem to be going ahead either (it's 11pm now), lots of cops there but not enough, as they've been forced to split up.

Gotta love it. Absolutely brilliantly planned operation, and done in such secrecy too. Whoever organised that is awesome.

Unfortunately it will probably mean the police don't ever politely let the protestors know what they're planning ever again. But that's a small price to pay for the incredible emotional encouragement this success has been for the people on-site.
It is very frightening, and I fear that most will follow the political leaders, and betray their oaths, the people, and all that is good and right. I hope I'm wrong, but the way of destruction is broad and easy, and the Way of Life narrow and difficult.

Most of my coworkers (not law enforcement) really didn't want to take the covid injection, but quickly caved when they found out their jobs were at risk. The number that stood fast was small (and we haven't been fired yet).

I think men in law enforcement (and the military) are probably on average a little stronger and more virtuous than most. Still, I think a majority will side with evil when the pressure mounts.
Sadly if you heard the dinner conversations of most cops right before a child came over to say "thank you for serving" or the comments after such sweet replies from officers, you would be sorely disappointed. I'm sorry to say I've been one of those guys for two years, grateful the Father has changed my heart and brought me back to him.
I recommend the book “Ordinary Men”. The historical take away is that only about 2% of a police or military force has the courage to choose not to participate in committing atrocities if the group is ordered to commit them... even less if they aren’t given the option to opt out.

If we look at history, it’s the police who end up brutalizing the population at the behest of the tyrant. The tyrant gets all the credit, but tyrants rarely kill anyone themselves.

The only law enforcement structure that should be allowed in a free society is that of a sheriff who is elected directly be the citizens (not appointed by mayors or governors) and sheriff’s deputies. Police departments are the iron wheels of despotic regimes.
Sounds like an interesting read, I'll have to get that for a long night of what's supposed to be patrol...

As much as I like the accountability of elected sheriffs, having worked for both a sheriff's office and three different city police departments all while working with elected district and county attorneys the core of the issue is an uninterested electorate. Sheriff's offices are plagued by internal politics and in Texas every four years any employee can be "released" when the sheriff is re-sworn after elections. While the constitution and law are supposed to function as objective standards to measure performance, how your actions reflect on an elected official play a much larger role than they should, one of the reasons sheriffs offices don't write tickets or enforce other criminal laws to the extent municipal and state agencies do is that every person they interact with is first and foremost a voter.

Aside from all that, it hurts so much to see the police used as an instrument of tyranny. I would like to extend "professional courtesy" to officers from other jurisdictions and nations, but it's hard to do so when I see them treat their people like this.
There are lots of bad things happening, but I want to make this a positive post, especially because there has just been some VERY positive news.

1. Jacinda has said that the mandates were never meant to be permanent and they will be starting to end in about a month when we come through the peak of this outbreak and they are no longer needed. While I know there's a lot wrong with that statement, she has never said an end to anything before, so this is sort of a start in the right direction. She doesn't say it has anything to do with the protests, but that that was the plan all along (typical gaslighting there).

2. The govt has removed all mandates for children playing sports. This was something the protestors were making a big deal about, because unvaxxed kids were allowed to play sports in school, but the moment the bell rung they were unable to play any other sports on school grounds, even with the same kids they'd just been running around with, and while outside. It was stupid. Of course this still has nothing to do with the protest at all apparently, it's just because the ministry of education chose to review their rules and decided they didn't make sense.

3. This is the massive one. I can't believe this just happened. The police and New Zealand defence force members who were forced to leave because of being unvaxxed have taken the govt to court. This morning the high court found in their favour. They won! This means that it was illegal to say they have to be vaccinated to do their job, and they can apply for their jobs back immediately.

This sets a massive precedent, especially with the teachers having their court case next week.

Lots of happy tears from protestors today.
There are lots of bad things happening, but I want to make this a positive post, especially because there has just been some VERY positive news.

1. Jacinda has said that the mandates were never meant to be permanent and they will be starting to end in about a month when we come through the peak of this outbreak and they are no longer needed. While I know there's a lot wrong with that statement, she has never said an end to anything before, so this is sort of a start in the right direction. She doesn't say it has anything to do with the protests, but that that was the plan all along (typical gaslighting there).

2. The govt has removed all mandates for children playing sports. This was something the protestors were making a big deal about, because unvaxxed kids were allowed to play sports in school, but the moment the bell rung they were unable to play any other sports on school grounds, even with the same kids they'd just been running around with, and while outside. It was stupid. Of course this still has nothing to do with the protest at all apparently, it's just because the ministry of education chose to review their rules and decided they didn't make sense.

3. This is the massive one. I can't believe this just happened. The police and New Zealand defence force members who were forced to leave because of being unvaxxed have taken the govt to court. This morning the high court found in their favour. They won! This means that it was illegal to say they have to be vaccinated to do their job, and they can apply for their jobs back immediately.

This sets a massive precedent, especially with the teachers having their court case next week.

Lots of happy tears from protestors today.
I'm glad to hear the good news.
There are lots of bad things happening, but I want to make this a positive post, especially because there has just been some VERY positive news.

1. Jacinda has said that the mandates were never meant to be permanent and they will be starting to end in about a month when we come through the peak of this outbreak and they are no longer needed. While I know there's a lot wrong with that statement, she has never said an end to anything before, so this is sort of a start in the right direction. She doesn't say it has anything to do with the protests, but that that was the plan all along (typical gaslighting there).

2. The govt has removed all mandates for children playing sports. This was something the protestors were making a big deal about, because unvaxxed kids were allowed to play sports in school, but the moment the bell rung they were unable to play any other sports on school grounds, even with the same kids they'd just been running around with, and while outside. It was stupid. Of course this still has nothing to do with the protest at all apparently, it's just because the ministry of education chose to review their rules and decided they didn't make sense.

3. This is the massive one. I can't believe this just happened. The police and New Zealand defence force members who were forced to leave because of being unvaxxed have taken the govt to court. This morning the high court found in their favour. They won! This means that it was illegal to say they have to be vaccinated to do their job, and they can apply for their jobs back immediately.

This sets a massive precedent, especially with the teachers having their court case next week.

Lots of happy tears from protestors today.
Awesome, Sarah! No one could possibly convince me that the protests there and in Canada had nothing to do with such changes. I just listened to an interviewee with Jordan Peterson today who stated that it's entirely disingenuous for the UK to pretend that the truckers strike and their desire to avoid one there didn't influence their decision to end their own mandates.
Awesome, Sarah! No one could possibly convince me that the protests there and in Canada had nothing to do with such changes. I just listened to an interviewee with Jordan Peterson today who stated that it's entirely disingenuous for the UK to pretend that the truckers strike and their desire to avoid one there didn't influence their decision to end their own mandates.
I think England mandate removal has more with Boris Jonnson scandal about having work party while rest of country was in lockdown. Mandate removal was great way to restore his popularity and save his skin.

This is reason mandate removal has spread through Europe. Also rising popular resistance helped.
NZ Prime Minister life is getting interesting:

Lol, yes I saw that! Basically there are moles everywhere she goes, so she can't go anywhere without the word getting out. At this school they had 20 minutes notice and a couple of hundred people turned up with signs etc. The point is to make her understand that she cannot escape or ignore this.
The cracks are beginning to show.
the dam will burst soon as the narrative is unraveling
yesterday the NZ courts gave a decision to the Nz police and defence forces upholding the nz bill of rights and striking down vax mandates.
We are now into the position of the police and army get to choose to vax or not without putting their job in jeopardy , but the rest of us Do not Yet have the same freedom.
those with the choice police those without
let the games go on.
This will pass us soon and will be but a memory.
I think there is no greater sign of independent free thinkers than with this issue
dont miss the opportunity to find like minded people and build relationships.
There's a second convoy en-route today and tomorrow to reinforce Wellington. It's being called the "farmer's convoy" and "the straggle muster" - a straggle muster is when you've mustered all the sheep from the hills, and then you go back a second time to find all the stragglers that are left and bring them in.

The South Island plan is for everyone who can to take boats, and cross Cook Strait in an "armada of little ships" Dunkirk style. I have not joined in on this convoy - I can't really help with that, have other things I'm doing to help in the background instead - but it's going to be interesting.

Also, the first mainstream reporter to break ranks and do a decent video walkthrough of the camp and interview of key organisers has published their report. It's very good, for the MSM.
Also, the first mainstream reporter to break ranks and do a decent video walkthrough of the camp and interview of key organisers has published their report. It's very good, for the MSM.
I pray the powers that be in the U.S. are paying attention to how much support the resistance has in N.Z., because it should give them pause as far as consideration of cracking down on our citizens goes.
I pray the powers that be in the U.S. are paying attention to how much support the resistance has in N.Z., because it should give them pause as far as consideration of cracking down on our citizens goes.
Yip. NZers are known for apathy. They just don't care. It's the whole 'she'll be right' attitude. If we actually stand up, and in these massive numbers, then it means you've done something very very wrong and we're not going to take it anymore.
Not stirring the pot, very important for everyone to consider, even if they end up reaching a slightly different interpretation to your own.

Yes, the beast system will eventually arise. However, there have been many previous systems that have arisen, looked like the beast, and were not - Nazi Germany, Soviet Russia, Islam, Rome... So far, each system that looked like the beast was actually only a practice run for it, and ultimately failed. This could be the same - or it could be the real thing. We won't know until the end actually comes about.

We need to both be prepared for the possibility that this is the final beast, while simultaneously working to stop it in the event that it is not and is still stoppable.

But in any case the only question that really does matter is where somebody stands with God.
Any of those systems could have been the beast. They were defeated and so were not. If this one isn’t defeated it will be the beast system.
Any of those systems could have been the beast. They were defeated and so were not. If this one isn’t defeated it will be the beast system.
That resonates, but I guess I'd still qualify that by saying that, if it isn't defeated, then it's still only potentially the beast system, because it could be the case that it just hasn't yet disqualified itself to the point of ending up on that list of not-the-beast.
Any of those systems could have been the beast. They were defeated and so were not. If this one isn’t defeated it will be the beast system.
Ultimately that is true. But it took several generations for the USSR to be defeated. Some people would have lived their entire lifetimes thinking "this hasn't been defeated so it must be the beast system". So this really doesn't help anyone distinguish between them while they exist.
Kiwi ingenuity at it's finest.

So the cops are being really annoying about letting the trucks in to clean the portaloos. But they forget that plenty of builders and plumbers have lost their jobs due to the govt mandates and have nothing better to do but to hang around at the protest.

May I present to you, the Peehive. (This is a play on the word Beehive which is the name of our parliament building).
These flushing toilets are in the middle of a currently blocked intersection, plumbed straight into the wastewater drain. The local council is going nuts trying to figure out how it was allowed to happen lol.
