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They should hold the upperhand prior to marriage, they should have higher standards. They have more to lose by having sex outside of marriage. It doesn't benefit us in the slightest to sleep with multiple men, not emotionally, economically, physically or socially. We suffer the emotional brunt of being used sexually. We risk the possibility of becoming pregnant/being single mothers, our career opportunities suffer, our chances at finding a solid relationship afterwards suffer, our reputation suffers. It isn't the same for men. In my opinion women aren't picky enough about who they sleep with these days!
You kept saying should. Well they should do this they should do that and on some level I agree with you there's a lot of things they SHOULD do but they don't. Plus Paul and the torah even says withholding sex from your husband is wrong to begin with yet women do it their husbands constantly then wonder why they cheat on them. Thing is also as my boy rollo tomassi says: "you can't negotiate geneniue desire". Either she wants to bang you or she doesn't but if she doesn't well you got two options: go get another woman or find a prostitute. I would recommend the former rather than latter of course but it's an option.
You stated that women have the monopoly regarding sex presently and I was explaining why they should continue to have it.

I don't disagree that withholding sex is wrong. I disagree that the appropriate response is assuming it's because she's being spiteful and running off to the brothels.

On top of that, what's the fun in f*king someone who's getting paid to play pretend?
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On top of that what's the fun in f*king someone who's getting paid to play pretend?
Well I agree with you. This why I said it should be an option though a last resort but still an option. Not all guys have the skill and the charisma to pull another woman so they rather just go pay for it. Understand just because I say it should be an option doesn't mean I would encourage one to pursue that option.
I don't disagree that withholding sex is wrong. I disagree that the appropriate response is assuming it's because she's being spiteful and running off to the brothels.
You'd be suprised man. They can do it to spiteful nowadays like that. Though I question if they even have a desire for that man anyways. Cause if they did they probably wouldn't withhold.
. In my opinion women aren't picky enough about who they sleep with these days!
Oh they're definitely picky but they're not picking the vitreous guys. There's plenty of guys out there that wouldn't do these things to women but they're not picking those guys. This what people don't understand.

There's never been a time in history were we've had more single young male virgins than ever. If all of these females are getting pregnant and becoming single and childless yet most young men are single virgins then who doing it all the pregnancies and leaving them?
Well sounds like it's going to exist regardless so might as well make it legal anyways. At least this way females have that option to it the safe legal way rather than the illegal way and get involved in all types of other dangers.
I suppose. I remain unconvinced but I am not fond of the idea of any so I am not going to be the best person to receive the pitch
Idk I'm kind of confused at your point since it seems like your making the claim that prostitution would increase human trafficking or something. Idk you'll have to explain why you brought up human trafficking to begin with.
Uhm...because the vinn diagram of human trafficking and prostitution is just a tonne of overlap.
Most of the prostitution in the world is not the visual one might get from the idea of a government regulated brothel in Europe. From whst I read in various articles it is more akin to a level of hell that Dante did not learn about. Woman who are very much not there of their own accord or choosing
Well I don't agree with licenses in general I shouldn't have to ask the government permission to Start my own business but that's another topic in and of itselfm
Now, have you applied that logic to a marriage license yet in your thinking?
I suppose. I remain unconvinced but I am not fond of the idea of any so I am not going to be the best person to receive the pitch
It's more from a liberty perspective not really an endorsement of it in general. Just like I want drugs to be legal but I would never do drugs myself. These are things that the government has no right to tell what to do on. Yes I think there will be some advantages to prostitution being legal but that's beside the point even if it no advantages whatsoever my position would remain the same. Either we believe in the concept of life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness or we don't. If we do we have to be consistent in that even in things we personally don't approve of or agree with.
Agree only probably would go a little further and remove almost all government involvement in the private persons affairs.

Is it practical or will it happen?
Lol, nope. We have a collapse cycle in process and I figure we will be starting from scratch before we fix our previous mistakes.
100%. Seems like we agree for the most part so I'm not sure where the argument is that we disagree lol
It's more from a liberty perspective not really an endorsement of it in general. Just like I want drugs to be legal but I would never do drugs myself. These are things that the government has no right to tell what to do on. Yes I think there will be some advantages to prostitution being legal but that's beside the point even if it no advantages whatsoever my position would remain the same. Either we believe in the concept of life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness or we don't. If we do we have to be consistent in that even in things we personally don't approve of or agree with.

I don't disagree on the government but it takes me back to my analogy about the community from before

I would absolutely be one of the one having the initial conversation with someone who was becoming an abusive druggy type ruining his family's life and screwing eith the community.
So while I object to government functionaries and a paid brut squad, I am very much in favor of the community deciding what is and is not acceptable and if needed, bringing more than a polite come back to the fold or else conversation.
Conversation first and all efforts to guide back onto straight and narrow naturally.
Fair enough
I have had thst objection since before I was qualified to marry in Texas. Always despised the hubris of that notion
It was a bit obsurd to me that God and Paul would say that I have to ask permission from the government to bang my woman or a woman but this when I did a word study of fornication to find out where the word actually comes from.

Eventually the whole thing fell apart once I saw that there is no real definitive translation of the word porniea and its based on mostly church tradition. Especially the early catholic Church using it to control people's sex life. Also they put the word in the dictionary to mean prematrial sex but there's nothing in the ancient greek saying this. Granted I can't find anywhere in the old testament on this popular narrative either. I'll concede possibility that I could mean sexual immortality but as I said that seems to be defined in leviticus 18. That's all we really have to go by.
I don't disagree on the government but it takes me back to my analogy about the community from before

I would absolutely be one of the one having the initial conversation with someone who was becoming an abusive druggy type ruining his family's life and screwing eith the community.
So while I object to government functionaries and a paid brut squad, I am very much in favor of the community deciding what is and is not acceptable and if needed, bringing more than a polite come back to the fold or else conversation.
Conversation first and all efforts to guide back onto straight and narrow naturally.
Yeah my only issue with the "community" is that can lead to a majority rule. I still think government Is a necessary evil to settle dispute and protect peooles property rights (at least for now though I sympathize with the idea of have an archo-captalist system idk if that would work in reality)
100%. Seems like we agree for the most part so I'm not sure where the argument is that we disagree lol
I think it has to do with optimist vs pessimist perspective.

I read and consume political information from all over the world...I will admit somewhat obsessively. But it is because is see it as a duty as head of family. I have no choice at all to my way of thinking in the matter.
I Have to be well informed. I Have to have a tonne of data about...well, all of it. I Have to be able to analyze all of the variables that can potentially effect my family.
So, by extension...all this reading shows me an enormous amount of ugliness and evil. Lots of it to do with human trafficking. Could be for labor, a fee, sex trafficking...you name it. There is just that massive overlap with sex trafficking though and the easiest way for many of these trafficked women and children to be controlled is with drugs. Not many escapes and little resistance.
If we were speaking in a private format where the woman who I do not wish to freak out were not present, I would express the levels of my disgust and the sort of solutions I would propose.

As we are in public though, it is just that I object to that sort of activity and those people in the strongest terms and find the idea abhorrent enough that it colours my view on all supposed sex work.

That and the government definitionally sucks, so whatever they get their dirty mits on will suck even worse. So while I could shrug my shoulders at decriminalization, not legalization of hooking...I don't like the idea of government stamped and endorsed anything
It was a bit obsurd to me that God and Paul would say that I have to ask permission from the government to bang my woman or a woman but this when I did a word study of fornication to find out where the word actually comes from.

Eventually the whole thing fell apart once I saw that there is no real definitive translation of the word porniea and its based on mostly church tradition. Especially the early catholic Church using it to control people's sex life. Also they put the word in the dictionary to mean prematrial sex but there's nothing in the ancient greek saying this. Granted I can't find anywhere in the old testament on this popular narrative either. I'll concede possibility that I could mean sexual immortality but as I said that seems to be defined in leviticus 18. That's all we really have to go by.
On a related topic...
The more you learn about linguistic manipulation, the more you will realize that people are being manipulated. Constantly