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They may realize the need to replace Biden, but unless Biden himself steps down, they are pretty much stuck with him. I think a lot of Dems just switched their vote over to RFK.
Sadly, that debate may have lost Trump the election. Because it will give the Democrats the excuse they need to change candidates. Although the polls are clearly showing a Trump victory at present, they are close enough that a better Democrat candidate could swing them back in the other direction. This is how you win a battle but lose the war. I hope I'm wrong though, I am an eternal pessimist after all.

Can't push him out and both he and his wife are absolutely not the self sacrifice types. I don't see them letting go of power.

Plus you have kamala to deal with shuffling to the side. She is also a power hungry creep lunatic who will take a hell of a lot of bribing. If that works at all, how fast can it be done?

Re other candidates, I don't think the Michelle Obama claims are based on much but hot air with respect to how popular she(?) is.
Gavin poop map Newsom can be beaten pretty handily. He has a horrible record and is not that great at debate.

I feel confident that the real hope is via voter fraud, just like last time.
Can't push him out and both he and his wife are absolutely not the self sacrifice types. I don't see them letting go of power.

Plus you have kamala to deal with shuffling to the side. She is also a power hungry creep lunatic who will take a hell of a lot of bribing. If that works at all, how fast can it be done?
There is always Arkancide.
There is always Arkancide.
Could be but the amount of chaos that would ensue...well, it would be fun for values of fun to watch.

You would still have kamala though.

I am standing on all that they have had for the entire time...including the last election...fraud
I actually watched the Slo-Mo Train Wreck expecting exactly what happened to have happened. But I would not have been surprised to see the Senile Sock Puppet walk off numbly to the side, squat, and Do the Biden.

And I was thankful that I did NOT see what I still thought was a realistic possibility: that the Evil Ones would just stage a terror attack false-flag, and take out both their problems at the same time.

That said, it's still a very likely option (as @steve) suggests. As is all of the other Terror already on the table, from WW 3 escalation to nukes, to activating the millions of known terror cells ALREADY in place, to bird flu, to...all the other things the Tin Foil Realists have pointed out were coming for years. Now's the most likely time, if they try it before November. But - after that, it becomes a lead-pipe cinch.

(And the replacement plan for the BidenFuhrer has been in place for a long time; just watch to see how they play it. But the Ministry of Truth is already on board.)
I had no idea that Biden was that bad off! I don't think I ever saw the man blink. His eyes looked like one of those reptilian lizard people that the conspiracy theorist are always going on about.
It has been clear since way before the 2020 election rig that the man was a dementia patient. I was surprised to see how 'good' the drugs were that they used to keep him hyped during those debates. But I have video clips (real, not 'cheap fake') going back at least four years to show that the media (who lied and covered up what they all knew) and his handlers knew they were committing massive fraud, and arguably treason.

As did the 51 "intelligence" operatives (outright traitors) who lied about the Laptop-from-Hell to make sure the election stayed rigged.

And it was the 'possessed look' - when he stared Pie-Eyed into space with a full inch of white surrounding vacant pupils - that struck me even more than the 'brainless look.'
I actually watched the Slo-Mo Train Wreck expecting exactly what happened to have happened. But I would not have been surprised to see the Senile Sock Puppet walk off numbly to the side, squat, and Do the Biden.

And I was thankful that I did NOT see what I still thought was a realistic possibility: that the Evil Ones would just stage a terror attack false-flag, and take out both their problems at the same time.

That said, it's still a very likely option (as @steve) suggests. As is all of the other Terror already on the table, from WW 3 escalation to nukes, to activating the millions of known terror cells ALREADY in place, to bird flu, to...all the other things the Tin Foil Realists have pointed out were coming for years. Now's the most likely time, if they try it before November. But - after that, it becomes a lead-pipe cinch.

(And the replacement plan for the BidenFuhrer has been in place for a long time; just watch to see how they play it. But the Ministry of Truth is already on board.)
That is really tough. The DNC doest have rules for a brokered convention now days.
If no brokered convention then no dice.
Not that they can't do it hypothetically but it would be a big effort. We have +/- a month for them to make this happen but not a tonne of wiggle room on top of that.

Their fraud machine is already cranking along so I don't know that they have any choice but to do their normal thing of doubling down.

Plus I read a statement from biden's campaign chair saying no way and that even if they were willing, that there was no mechanism to change.
Less sure that a lack of a mechanism would stop them really but they will look even more crooked than ever.
Arkancide is a clear option and wouldn't result in as much chaos as people might think. One morning he'll be found dead, just an old man dying of old age, everyone knows he's feeble anyway, what's unexpected about that? Stage a national mourning, rally round the flag because the president's dead, get a boost in the polls similar to that received during wartime or natural disasters, it could be entirely seamless and even beneficial for the democrats - except for the fact that Kamala would be next in line. If that's solvable in a positive manner, which it is (e.g. she suddenly discovers she's got cancer and has to pull out, which could be entirely faked, a year later you announce she made a miraculous recovery), then her replacement could be seamless too and also help to draw in sympathy votes.

I should be a campaign advisor for dirty politicians.
For those who didn’t realize the reality of uncle Joe, you are probably in the same position on Ukraine.
For those who didn’t realize the reality of uncle Joe, you are probably in the same position on Ukraine.
It’s kind of shocking to me how many people were shocked at his performance. And that’s not throwing any shade at you @theleastofthese I appreciate your honesty because it helps me to have a more balanced perspective of what the general population is aware of. It’s easy to get in one’s own political bubble and not have an accurate picture of the true situation.
It’s kind of shocking to me how many people were shocked at his performance. And that’s not throwing any shade at you @theleastofthese I appreciate your honesty because it helps me to have a more balanced perspective of what the general population is aware of. It’s easy to get in one’s own political bubble and not have an accurate picture of the true situation.
Oh I certainly live in my own bubble 😊 I knew it was bad but had no idea the severity. I can't believe the democratic party let him debate, why would they do that?
Oh I certainly live in my own bubble 😊 I knew it was bad but had no idea the severity. I can't believe the democratic party let him debate, why would they do that?
The dems have been hiding his issues since before the last election. It’s why he “campaigned” from his basement. I believe the reason they had him debate now is so that they would have time ditch him and bring in a new candidate.
Arkancide is a clear option and wouldn't result in as much chaos as people might think. One morning he'll be found dead, just an old man dying of old age, everyone knows he's feeble anyway, what's unexpected about that? Stage a national mourning, rally round the flag because the president's dead, get a boost in the polls similar to that received during wartime or natural disasters, it could be entirely seamless and even beneficial for the democrats - except for the fact that Kamala would be next in line. If that's solvable in a positive manner, which it is (e.g. she suddenly discovers she's got cancer and has to pull out, which could be entirely faked, a year later you announce she made a miraculous recovery), then her replacement could be seamless too and also help to draw in sympathy votes.

I should be a campaign advisor for dirty politicians.
Except Secret Service. And totally fake investigation which will become Twitter knowledge in next year.

And anyone with brain totally suspecting foul play.

Any anyone with anything resembling some evidence of crime having big fat juicy compromat on you.

And what if your enemies like Wall Street Banks found kompromat?

Hope you like risking very good jail time.
Oh I certainly live in my own bubble 😊 I knew it was bad but had no idea the severity. I can't believe the democratic party let him debate, why would they do that?
I got over any "disbelief" at the level of perfidy that was in play when they installed that ventriloquist dummy with the most blatant fraud in history.

As to why did they "let" him (and maybe mess with his drugs to make sure...) - he needed to be jettisoned. Which is why the 'debate' was scheduled so early.

Arkancide is a clear option and wouldn't result in as much chaos as people might think. One morning he'll be found dead, just an old man dying of old age, everyone knows he's feeble anyway, what's unexpected about that?...
...except for the fact that Kamala would be next in line.

She is, and always has been, "life insurance" for the Big Guy.

Trouble is, I don't think she's even smart enough not to be "caught dead" in the same room with the guy.
What most people fail to realize, is that this is about more than one election cycle. Sure the Dems agree that this one is the most important election, just like both sides will agree that the next one is the most important, and we both agreed that the last one and the previous one, etc. were the most important election cycles, but Dems just persistently wait for Conservatives to slip up, and then they push even further to the left. My son was confused because of the fact that Trump is willing to allow some abortions, and the abortion pill. That just goes to show how far we have drifted ftom God. So watch for who gives a rousing speech at the DNC, and that is whom they will push for 2028. Unless this nation repents, we are doomed. They came so close to siezing permanent power in 2021, and this is going to be the endgame for the Dems and the progressives.