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World is moving into better place. At least in Missouri you don't have to respect "protected class".

I saw that headline as well and laughed. Would not necessarily have posted it but it did make me laugh.

I see the pendulum starting to swing back in the States, the EU (kinda but hells bells, good luck to them. The AFD and other parties are getting screwed in various European nations) and the rest of the european diaspora but it is such an extreme distance back to sanity that I want more and more to get my family far from pulp culture.
I love when they go straight to fascism. It is so precious that they think a political ideology started by an editor of a Marxist magazine in competition with other types of socialism which has government and industry working hand in glove to control the people is right wing.

It is childishly simple to pull apart the ideas and ideologies of these spoiled romoer room rejects.
I see it as a deep deep sickness of the west that we have such high openness in the Big Five sense.
This is easy. These guys can't imagine not living in hive mind society where Command Central will upload daily beliefs and tasks. No wonder NPC meme in real.

So off, course, real issue is if wrong guys control Command Central (read: not them).

We have a massive achilles heel with respect to how easily brainwashed we are and it is very much contributing to cultural suicide.
Because openess is real advantage of West and key reason of it's rise. It unables cooperation with non-relatives and large scale societies working for everybody by blocking nepotism.

Problem is when you start trusting non-deserving people who practice nepotism and favour of their in-group.

And regarding brainwashing, remember, some assumptions, like need for equality are so like air you breathe. You don't notice them anymore.
This is easy. These guys can't imagine not living in hive mind society where Command Central will upload daily beliefs and tasks. No wonder NPC meme in real.

Don't I know it. Currently being tagged over an over in an argument by a they/it after slapping its laughably and easily demonstrably false political claims (maga are overt nazi, project 2025, Russian collusion etc.. not rocket surgery to handwave away with a few lines). In the process of this I reffered to them as an npc and their not being real orhaving actual claims. It came back with a response that was strait out of a meme and I remarked on it being predictable. It has been going on for days at me about how it is not predictable and not a joke. Each time getting deeper into the same silly pattern that anyone can see coming. Apparently they get pretty bent at being dismissed as not real and holding no value.

And regarding brainwashing, remember, some assumptions, like need for equality are so like air you breathe. You don't notice them anymore.

Guarantee you I do.
Won't expand in this environment but the west runs on gaslite and my filter is good enough that I feel a bit like the one eyed man. Being able to see however doest mean I can change the world around me unfortunately
Start with the basics that the blind person can understand:

Hot things can appear to be red.

Cold things can appear to be blue.

Every blind person can understand this. Go from there.
And I’m over here still trying to understand how explaining colors to a blond person would benefit them in any way lol
Kamala’s husband evidently lost his previous marriage after getting the babysitter pregnant.

An understanding of poly would probably have saved him a lot of money, not to mention being married to Kamala.

(It seems that even predictive spelling doesn’t want to acknowledge her, even after using her name in the post.)