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Some Einstein sh..tuff, science discussion

Such people are always right up until the moment that someone proves them wrong.

Heavier than air flight was likewise once thought impossible and the science of aviation was considered a realm for quacks.

Then it happened and it was quickly adopted worldwide.

Splitting the atom was once thought impossible.

Space flight was once thought impossible.

LASER technology was once thought to be impossible.

In our current time it was just a few years ago that artificial intelligence was denounced as impossible by all the proper people and now less than two years after it made its public debut it is widely embraced as if it always existed.

Whether or not warp drive is possible is up to whoever does or does not make it possible. But to say with authority that something we don't understand is categorically impossible is an act of hubris and nothing less.
It is pure science fiction and should never be discussed by anyone who is serious about physics. Warp drives are always going to be science fiction, just like wormholes are science fiction. The Quantum field exists! The amount of energy in a cubic centimeter of empty space is more that the entire amount of particle energy in the entire universe. This is just as impossible as the perpetual motion machine. It is anti science to believe in such notions!
Aha, they mean logic transistors for CPU and microcontrollers.

I remembering reading about FPGAs by, I think, Actel. They did have some tech naturally suited for space. It wasn't bigger transtors.
Well shielding technology has come a long way.
Interesting that this title only exists in Walt Brown's claimed resume.

You are barking up the wrong tree. The point of posting this, had nothing to do with his military career. It had to do with his claim that he held position 1 for the first half of his life. Now if you wish to cast aspersions on this claim, fire away, but provide at least a milligram of evidence when you do so. You have proposed that he did not come to this conclusion Position 5, simply because that is the conclusion he has reached in the latter half of his life. Are you trying to say that the burden of proof rests with those of us who take this claim at face value?
See that is what I meant that the Bible is not verbatim Gods's word. It needs to be taken with a grain of salt.
Which grain of salt? How do you know which grain to choose?
Some of the people did not have a clue about, well, anything.
Which people?
I imagine there was a moment in Heaven when God was lamenting to Gabriel about the philistines that are butchering his teachings.
Imagine? Philistinians?
If I duct tape you to the bow of a boat, and sail you around the world, would you believe that the world is round?
I don't think he would. He would merely claim that the steering wheel was turned half a degree to the right or left.
1. The New Madrid quake took place along an ancient rift zone. That means two ancient plates come together in this region.
2. The 1886 Charleston quake also took place along an ancient fault zone.

These regions are now considered to be part of the North American Plate but that plate is itself made up of a myriad of ancient faults, sub-plates, rifts, and other geological phenomena.
You see, this is what the Plate Tectonic theorists do. When the theory runs into trouble, they just add more plates. Sort of like how physicists have come up with this concept of dark matter and dark energy, which are nothing but vain efforts to keep Big Bang Theory propped up. They are fudge factors; just another example of Platonian epicycles.

EDIT: If you don't want to accept Dr Walt Brown's argument, at least check out the source he cites! Do a quick search on the book Tectonic Globaloney! Once again you pop in here with a hasty answer, without doing an ounce of research!
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Anyone who believes in convection currents, ought to at least be honest with themselves and ask the question, what causes the convection currents and why are they moving in so many erratic directions?
