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Some Einstein sh..tuff, science discussion

Seriously, I pointed out that washing your hands was once very controversial and now it is accepted. And you're saying that a Real Scientist™ would never say that.
I was making the Real Point about what "science" actually is (as opposed to, "is not," as the WSM paints it.) "Accepted" is NOT the same as "proven."

And a Real Scientist probably wouldn't lick an icy metal pole in midwinter, or stick his tongue in a light socket...which proves nothing.
I never underestimate the potential stupidity of educated people. ;)
Hey, if you are going to say that Moses struck the rock because he forgot what God told him to do, you are kind of living in a glass house! You ought not be throwing stones in this forum!
Hey, if you are going to say that Moses struck the rock because he forgot what God told him to do, you are kind of living in a glass house! You ought not be throwing stones in this forum!

Straw man. I did not say that Moses forgot what God told him to do.
Hmmm, this was your response
Yes, human minds are unreliable. I forget things all the time. I also understand things through the context of my own limited understanding.

Humans also take in words from God and then promptly ignore them. God told Moses to strike the rock once and he hit it twice.

Since we're speaking of Moses how do you think he would have described the computer you're using right now?
to this:
Daniel DeLuca said:

Filtered by the mind = unreliable. Got it!
In a discussion about Brown on another forum this fiction novel was mentioned as being loosely based on Brown's ideas.

So either he forgot, or he violated this command here:

....or else the fact is, he wrote as God directed him.
Daniel, thank you for reminding me that I had posed this question to you:

Since we're speaking of Moses how do you think he would have described the computer you're using right now?
In a discussion about Brown on another forum this fiction novel was mentioned as being loosely based on Brown's ideas.

Interesting concept, but Dr. Walt Brown's book never asserts that the flood waters would have been high enough to cover Mt. Everest at its current elevation.
And my response was:
Moses ignored God, but it wasn't because he forgot what God said. He knew what God had told him, but he acted in anger and ultimately disobedience. If God had wanted Moses to describe a computer, Moses would have used a word that in our modern language, would be translated "computer". God would have given him the proper word to use, if He had desired for Moses to describe such a device.
"If God had wanted Moses to describe a computer"

That wasn't my question.
@Daniel DeLuca

Pardon me for leaving this here. I will be away through the 19th or so and I have things to go do. ;)