You’re ignoring, or haven’t yet studied, about all the times that God describes Himself as a husband; all the times He talks about His bond with His people as being sexual. There is a whole book about it, Song of Solomon. Significant portions of Isaiah and Ezekiel and even most of the book of Hosea are dealing with the deep spiritual metaphors that exist around sex. It’s not just an act. It is a living testament to the proper relationship to our Creator. When we misuse sex we literally blaspheme with our bodies. Now admittedly, after all of my hand wringing about what the text actually says, I’m adding quite a bit of flesh to those bones. It might be a little bit of hyperbole but I don’t think so.I don't think it's that sacred and holy. No. A lot of this teaching came from the Roman catholic church with their Greek philosophy of the church fathers and Greco-Roman ideology. Alot of christedom views on sex and marriage came from that. At one point they believe sex to be this evil act and made it only for marriage but called it a necessary evil. That lust as bad too. The early church fathers all of this came from them. Even after the reformation movement Christians still haven't been able to get over this that sex is this major major thing especially for a man.
As I said genesis 2:24 is merely a description of what happens when a couple comes together nothing more nothing less. They were made to come together and procreate that's it. The west in general tends to be pretty prude when it comes sex. I do think it affects the woman more than the man I do agree with that especially if she's a virgin. Personally I wouldn't sleep with a virgin unless I planned on keeping her but that's just my own personal conviction cause I know how it affects them.
Adultery and idolatry are closely related words and almost identical concepts in Greek. Husbands are most often described as “baals”, semi-divine masters. We’re most familiar with Baal as a catch all title for all the various false Gods that got worshipped in the Old Testament.
You can’t downgrade sex to a merely or evenly largely physical act. Sex, again this is as much opinion as anything, is the place where we most fully see that what’s bound in earth is loosed in heaven and vice versa.
Just for the record let me state that I am not sympathetic to the Greco-Roman ethic. I am a Torah keeper. I’m fairly loose on the sexual “sins”. I don’t claim a blanket prohibition on pornography, masturbation has no moral implication at all, I don’t see lesbianism anywhere in scripture. I can’t forbid strip clubs and I don’t see any need for “modesty” in women eligible for one flesh.
But I can’t read scripture and come to the conclusion that sex is an act without powerful spiritual ramifications.