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What is fornication?

And without actually seeking and doing God's will, you will not be saved.
This has to do more with showing your faith before men because men can't see your faith so they see your works to known that your justified. Keep in mind they were talking to believers in this letter not nonbelievers. And what about the countless numbers of scriptures that proves that you are saved by grace and by faith.

And brought them out, and said, Sirs, what must I do to be saved?
And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.

For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: not of works, lest any man should boast” is a verse from the Bible, Ephesians 2:8–9.

1 John 5:5
"Who is it that overcomes the world? Only the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God"
John 20:31
"but these are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name"
1 John 3:23
"And this is his commandment, that we believe in the name of his Son Jesus Christ and love one another, just as he has commanded us"
Romans 10:9-11
"That if you confess with your mouth, 'Jesus is Lord,' and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved"
Romans 5:1
"Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ"

If salvation is a gift by grace why do have to work for it? It's funny because you claim this legalism but at the same time your still stating a man has do something in order to be saved or proved he's saved. Sounds like a works based salvation to me. Either salvation is by works or its not there's no inbetween.
This has to do more with showing your faith before men because men can't see your faith so they see your works to known that your justified. Keep in mind they were talking to believers in this letter not nonbelievers. And what about the countless numbers of scriptures that proves that you are saved by grace and by faith.

And brought them out, and said, Sirs, what must I do to be saved?
And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.

For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: not of works, lest any man should boast” is a verse from the Bible, Ephesians 2:8–9.

1 John 5:5
"Who is it that overcomes the world? Only the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God"
John 20:31
"but these are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name"
1 John 3:23
"And this is his commandment, that we believe in the name of his Son Jesus Christ and love one another, just as he has commanded us"
Romans 10:9-11
"That if you confess with your mouth, 'Jesus is Lord,' and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved"
Romans 5:1
"Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ"

If salvation is a gift by grace why do have to work for it? It's funny because you claim this legalism but at the same time your still stating a man has do something in order to be saved or proved he's saved. Sounds like a works based salvation to me. Either salvation is by works or its not there's no inbetween.
And someone that has faith and loves the Most High - will repent and walk according to his ways. This is the fruit of your faith. Did not James say - faith without works is dead? People that truly believe will submit to the higher authority, and walk according to the ways of their Heavenly Father. No different than a son that wants to please his own father that he dearly loves. Does he show love to his father by walking in rebellion against him? This is what Yahushua says - “Why do you call me Master but do not what I say?” Or “If you love me keep my commandments.” None of us are perfect - but striving to please versus outright rebellion is the difference of heart.

Also there’s scripture after scripture that points to this message. Here’s just one:

Romans 6:1-2 NLT
1 Well then, should we keep on sinning so that God can show us more and more of his wonderful grace? 2 Of course not! Since we have died to sin, how can we continue to live in it?
Yes because men and women are different. For a man to be attractive to a female he has to have experience while the exact opposite is true for the female. It's two different strategies cause it's two different people. We think whats good for the goose is good for the gander but it's not. Sure if we lived in a world we're most women were virgins again then it would a different story but we don't.
You need to take to heart all of the scriptures on this topic @Deesee25, not just the ones you like.
Ok but if you tons and tons more verses proving over and over again that salvation is by grace and a gift and not works vs maybe a couple that MAY not do but MAY prove the opposite. Which one do you believe is more likely true? I would say the former than the latter.
The vast majority of women lose their virginity before they even turn 18. Only 5% of women are even virgins on their wedding night. If you want "facts" those are the facts. It's just not the facts people want to here.
You are welcome to your non-virgins and the 95% who aren't virgins on the wedding night who are most likely not Christians.

You stated above; "a virgin bride which doesn't exist anymore." Well, they do exist and my godly Christian wife was a virgin on our wedding night, and I happen to know gorgeous Christian women who are virgins and want to marry. Some of the other guys on the forum here married virgins and that's a fact I don't really care if you hear or not. You must be mixing with a different sort of women and not the beautiful Christian women like some of us know. That's your choice, but don't tar all women with your same dirty brush. Shalom
And someone that has faith and loves the Most High - will repent and walk according to his ways. This is the fruit of your faith. Did not James say - faith without works is dead? People that truly believe will submit to the higher authority, and walk according to the ways of their Heavenly Father. No different than a son that wants to please his own father that he dearly loves. Does he show love to his father by walking in rebellion against him? This is what Yahushua says - “Why do you call me Master but do not what I say?” Or “If you love me keep my commandments.” None of us are perfect - but striving to please versus outright rebellion is the difference of heart.

Also there’s scripture after scripture that points to this message. Here’s just one:

Romans 6:1-2 NLT
1 Well then, should we keep on sinning so that God can show us more and more of his wonderful grace? 2 Of course not! Since we have died to sin, how can we continue to live in it?
Well number 1 there's no place is scripture that says you must repent to be saved. I've already made the claim that yes you should be obedient but again it's either by works or it's not. You guys are saying it's both. But repentance simply means to change one's mind it has nothing to do with doing anything. Like someone pointed out an achool addict can change his mind about achool but Still be addicted to it.

If you outright rebell then God will just chastise you on earth but you'll still be saved and yeah idk about you buddy but i dont wanna be chastised lol. I've already addressed with James meant (go back to my previous message). If you have to obey to be saved that's works. The theif on the cross just believed and Jesus said today you'll be with me in paradise he didn't have a chance to do any works. Abraham believed God and it was accredited to righteousness. You're believing God and what Jesus did on the cross for your salvation he said it IS finished not it's finishing. He said depart from me I NEVER knew you not I USED to know you. You can look at that passage and see what they were saying "lord did not prophesy in your name cast out demons" they were boosting about their works NOT what Christ did for them on the cross. He said those that do the will of His father are his. What's the will of the Father? That you be saved and come to belief in the Savior.
Well, they do exist and my godly Christian wife was a virgin on our wedding night, and I happen to know gorgeous Christian women who are virgins and want to marry. Some of the other guys on the forum here married virgins and that's a fact I don't really care if you hear or not.
1. That's antidotial evidence. you can say "well I know people who aren't this" ok maybe you do but that's not majority. We have to operate in what's most likely not what may happen with wishful thinking

2. That's as far as you know. I've stories where a woman will change the definition of what a virgin is too. So they may say they're a virgin but have dome other things on the side. How do you know? You don't. Having a virgin would be great but it's wishful thinking especially in the west. I'm a realist I have to operate in what's real not what I wish were true. Again if we were back in those days my view would be totally different but unfortunately we're not. That tends to be the caveat when I tell Christians about these harsh realities. "Well maybe they're not real Christians" it's just a cop out answer.
That's an assumption. Number 1. I'm fact Christian girls tend have the worst reputation when it comes to this.
Well, the "Christian" girls you mix with are definitely different than the ones some of us know and have married! Perhaps your "Christian" girls are the ones you and your friends gained your experiences with? While you are making wild generalizations about virgin brides not existing, I'm referring to real people and personal situations I know to be true. So please, stop making outlandish and factually incorrect statements. And refrain from misrepresenting what @FollowingHim and others have said about salvation being evidenced by good works. No one has said works are necessary for salvation, however, most here agree that genuine saving faith will produce the fruit of good works (cf. Eph. 2:10).
Ok but if you tons and tons more verses proving over and over again that salvation is by grace and a gift and not works vs maybe a couple that MAY not do but MAY prove the opposite. Which one do you believe is more likely true? I would say the former than the latter.
Neither is true or false. They have to reconcile. Both are true. If your theology can’t reconcile then then your theology is wrong.
1. That's antidotial evidence. you can say "well I know people who aren't this" ok maybe you do but that's not majority.
Please, please, stop changing your story! You never said anything about a majority. You said...
Unless you can find a virgin bride which doesn't exist anymore
Have you personally interviewed every woman to know if she is or was a virgin on her wedding night? NO!! You are factually incorrect in your outlandish generalization. There are virgin women of marital age and there are women who were virgins on their wedding night. End of debate.
Have you personally interviewed every woman to know if she is or was a virgin on her wedding night? NO!! You are factually incorrect in your outlandish generalization. There are virgin women of marital age and there are women who were virgins on their wedding night. End of debate.
@Deesee25 is just bitter from past. He was hurt and this is his way of coping.

It's relatively normal when man first out find how society lies about woman, he becomes angry and furious. This is good. But some never recover and become totally blackpilled.

It's obvious something isn't right with him. C'mon, is new and he is already written not dozen, but 30-70 posts per day. What is he doing in rest of day? Is he whole day here?
Well, the "Christian" girls you mix with are definitely different than the ones some of us know and have married! Perhaps your "Christian" girls are the ones you and your friends gained your experiences with? While you are making wild generalizations about virgin brides not existing, I'm referring to real people and personal situations I know to be true. So please, stop making outlandish and factually incorrect statements. And refrain from misrepresenting what @FollowingHim and others have said about salvation being evidenced by good works. No one has said works are necessary for salvation, however, most here agree that genuine saving faith will produce the fruit of good works (cf. Eph. 2:10).
Well this what people who believe this doctrine tend to do. They say it's not of works but you still have to do works to prove that your saved. You're saying trying to say it's works without saying it's works. This is why so many people get confused and discouraged. I know a lot of them. Again you have to explain thief on the cross that had no chance to do any good works at all. Or the ones who are on their deathbed who had no chance to do good works. It's either belief and faith that saved you or it's not you can't use this painting around the target.
@Deesee25 is just bitter from past. He was hurt and this is his way of coping.

It's relatively normal when man first out find how society lies about woman, he becomes angry and furious. This is good. But some never recover and become totally blackpilled.

It's obvious something isn't right with him. C'mon, is new and he is already written not dozen, but 30-70 posts per day. What is he doing in rest of day? Is he whole day here?
I'm not here 24/7 you know. I do things and come back to chat. Granted you're pretty much doing the same thing so not sure how you're any different.

Well here comes the "who hurt you phase" has nothing to do with hurt. It's people who want the world to be something that it's not because they don't wanna accept reality because it's too dark. Especially when it comes to female nature. I'm definitely NOT blacked pilled by any means but I'm not gonna live in a false reality either unlike most people want to do.
I'm not here 24/7 you know. I do things and come back to chat. Granted you're pretty much doing the same thing so not sure how you're any different.

Well here comes the "who hurt you phase" has nothing to do with hurt. It's people who want the world to be something that it's not because they don't wanna accept reality because it's too dark. Especially when it comes to female nature. I'm definitely NOT blacked pilled by any means but I'm not gonna live in a false reality either unlike most people want to do.
Are you young by any chance?
Have you personally interviewed every woman to know if she is or was a virgin on her wedding night? NO!! You are factually incorrect in your outlandish generalization. There are virgin women of marital age and there are women who were virgins on their wedding night. End of debate.
Never said there wasn't but the chances of you find them are very VERY slim. That's the point. Yeah there's probably the chance of me finding a diamond somewhere on the road that's worth 500k bucks. What's the likihood I'll find that? Probably very small. So should I operate in what's most plausible or operate based on something that's less plausible based on someone else antidotial evidence?
Are you young by any chance?
It's nothing new for me I talk to older people all the time to gain more wisdom even though I don't agree with everything they say as they tend to view things from the world THEY grew up not for what it is now or new information but even Still there's a lot you can learn from them.