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About Biblical Families

We are a diverse group of Christian families that have come to the conclusion that the mainstream Western church is wrong about plural marriage ("teaching for doctrine the traditions of men"), that in fact plural marriage is not condemned or prohibited in the Bible, and that the criminalization of bigamy in the West has more to do with pre-Christian European culture than it has to do with anything Jesus or his apostles taught. The links to the left will lead you to more information about who we are; elsewhere on the site you can find out more about what we believe and what we do.

The processing of this information is pretty straightforward for most folks, but is very difficult for some due to the emotional loading of these issues. Know that we are very respectful of the struggle, particularly since many of us have had our own adventures coming to terms with the Bible's teaching on marriage and applying it in our own lives. If you would like to talk with someone, particularly if you are considering becoming a plural family or are a friend or relative of someone who is, please get in touch with us using the Quick Contact form below. We're here to help.

Meanwhile, we hope you find this site helpful, and please let us know if there is information you'd like to see added.

Help Support Biblical Families!

Your help with this ministry is greatly appreciated. This is a time of great upheaval in our cultural understanding of marriage; your support will help us get the word out regarding what the Bible really says about marriage and family.

You can donate online by sending a gift via the Square Cash app or website (www.cash.me) to $BiblicalFamilies, using Debit or Credit card. If you'd rather mail a check or use another method, write us at donate@biblicalfamilies.org.

Thank you for partnering with us in this ministry!