Home Blog Hello World!

Hello World!

May 23, 2016 -- Posted by : andrew

After a little over a year of discussions and good intentions, we have commenced development of a spanking new website for Biblical Families. Our ambition is to have a substantially complete website rolled out prior to the upcoming Summer Retreat in North Carolina (so sometime before July 28).

One of the new features will be one or more blogs that we can use for regular updates, news, and items of interest. Stay tuned!


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Summer Retreat!

Check out our upcoming family retreat and conference in the mountains…


Poem by Ginny before leaving North Carolina retreat grounds.

We Have Liftoff!

The new website and enhanced discussion forum have launched!

Summer Retreat!

Check out our upcoming family retreat and conference in the mountains…

Help for Family and Friends

Coming soon – resources for families and friends trying to understand…

Help Support Biblical Families!

Your help with this ministry is greatly appreciated. This is a time of great upheaval in our cultural understanding of marriage; your support will help us get the word out regarding what the Bible really says about marriage and family.

You can donate online by sending a gift via the Square Cash app or website (www.cash.me) to $BiblicalFamilies, using Debit or Credit card. If you'd rather mail a check or use another method, write us at donate@biblicalfamilies.org.

Thank you for partnering with us in this ministry!