Home Retreats and Local Groups Upcoming Retreats 2025
Next retreat is coming up quick! This retreat will be east of downtown, in a nice hotel. Jacob Foulk will be joining us again, and we expect this retreat to kick off a local Georgia group, that will be meeting on a regular basis. But you are welcome to join us from anywhere - flights to Atlanta are often cheap, check now. For retreat details, write retreats@biblicalfamilies.org.
This will be our only West coast retreat this year, and we know we have many people in the West that we haven't met yet. So if you are out west and want to meet some like-minded patriarchal families, regardless of your family size, write now for details on this retreat. Our hotel location is southeast of Yakima, WA - a reasonable-driving location from Portland, Seattle, and all parts of Idaho. Those flying in can chose Seattle, Portland, or Spokane, but will need a ride or rental car. We have plans to keep the West coast folks more involved going forward, and we'd love for you to be involved in this retreat. Please write now if you'd like to received the retreat details: retreats@biblicalfamilies.org.
August 17th-20st 2025, Gatlinburg, TN area - We are looking forward to returning to Tennessee for fellowship, worship, food, teaching, recreation, more fellowship, and enjoying the summer weather together. Note that this is a Sunday-Wednesday retreat this year. If you can only make 2 nights, that is fine. It will be a great time for the children as well, with activities available. Families of all sizes, and singles, are welcome at Biblical Families events. Now is the time to make your plans. We invite you and your family to consider joining us for our 'big event' of 2025. For more information, write retreats@biblicalfamilies.org or use the Quick Contact form in the footer below to get in touch with us.