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Help for Family and Friends

May 30, 2016 -- Posted by : andrew

In Western culture today, it is not enough to get one's mind around what the Bible teaches about marriage; in a sense, that's just the beginning of the journey. We can be quite clear-headed about the legitimacy of plural marriage, but find areas of cultural conditioning inside our minds and hearts that really interfere with our ability to be the kinds of people we need to be to make these relationships work. And then even if that's working out well, we find that people close to us are really perplexed by and sometimes really antagonistic toward our counter-cultural choices.

It's because they care about us (most of the time) that they're concerned and sometimes oppositional. Yes, there's often some or at least a little of that "fear of man" or "what will my friends at church think?" stuff going on. But generally things go better relationally if we start by charitably assuming that the main motivation behind their opposition is that because they care for us they really want what's best for us (and they sincerely think we're making the biggest mistake of our lives...).

Once we have migrated our 'keeper' content from the old site to the new site, we will be adding new content specifically for friends and family, the ones most closely and personally affected by our choices. If you have specific points you'd like to see presented on the site that would help you with your close relationships, please contact us using the Quick Contact form in the footer below and let us know what you'd like to see added. We're here to help you!


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