Home Blog Leaving


Aug 5, 2016 -- Posted by : andrew

Poem and photo by Ginny just before we left the North Carolina retreat grounds.

We are leaving today.
This place.
These people.
my heart would be so sad.
There would be an ache
to stay here forever.
But that was before.
Before I learned to love
without the need for ownership;
without that hunger
to hold on
to every beautiful moment
with a white-knuckled grip.
that I might never experience it again.
This time
I come to this rock,
I walk this mountain,
I hug these people
with a heart that understands
that it is the letting go part
that allows me love
more deeply.
It is that understanding
that the more I release
this place
and these precious people
the easier it is
to carry them with me.
Good byes are made sweeter.
Like a sunset.
Like a song.
Knowing that my heart does not have to hurt to be stained with beautiful memories....


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Poem by Ginny before leaving North Carolina retreat grounds.

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