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Let's make some pro PATRIARCHY memes!!

I would say more broadly that "some sort of ... patriarchy is natural", and those who do it well do it "benevolently".

The classic image of a caveman with a club dragging a woman by her hair is not at all what anybody is promoting here - but it is an image that we can understand, because we can see that is how the heart of man works. Everywhere, in secular society as well as in the church, men seek to control women. This is a natural tendency - and the source of a lot of abuse.

The solution is, however, not to oppose nature. Rather, to see how to live in accordance with nature, and do it well. It's just like permaculture - observe nature, and work with it in your garden. In marriage, observe nature (in other words, observe how God has created men and women) and work with it not against it.

Egalitarianism is unnatural - but benevolent existence within the roles nature gives is natural. Just as a communist revolution to make "all men equal" destroys a state and is an unnatural order so cannot last (it naturally just becomes a different heirarchy, with a different leader). While if the original king / nobility / government had simply been benevolent in the first place nobody would have had any cause to revolt. Same goes for marriage.

This is one of the best posts I've seen anywhere!!!! I completely believe that relationships that are natural, in harmony with how people are, work so well. My fiancé doesn't seem to tell me what to do ever- but he has nudged me into great place in his world. He illuminates my place when he is around, and I make sure that he's got great place to come to, and try to be a smart, super-attractive, easy going companion. I think women can communicate between themselves really well- there seems something relaxing about 'girl-talk'- so maybe there was a prehistoric eon when sister wives created a safe home, picked and harvested wild crops while one or two superhero men went out to catch awesome animals.

Where things go wrong in family life, is when people step out of the natural place. A woman could stop looking after herself, her house or her family, while a man could stop being the awesome hot head-of-household that the ladies want around. If I can help to keep my man being the amazing, clean-living charmer that I see at the moment, we are both doing something right, and all we have to worry about is my occasional bout of jealousy if he lights up a social occasion!
@Meritxell Vinyet, I think you've stumbled upon the overall message that we as believing Christians promote here on Biblical Families. God created this natural world in perfection. He created natural laws and order that, if allowed to remain, allow us to live in harmony with Him. However, this world has been corrupted by the willful sin of mankind. It's a curse that has been passed down to us. In this state, we will continue to live out of harmony with our Creator. It will be our demise. But, Christ, our redeemer, came to give us life, remove that curse, and show us how to live in harmony with God, and his creation. Living in harmony with his design in our marriages is an incomplete realization of the full relationship we can have with the Creator. As you spend more time on here, I hope you begin to develop this full realization and seek harmony not just with God's natural creation in marriage, but harmony with the Creator himself.

Yes this is a patriarchy image. Only one group has the interests of our children's future in mind.
I have to wonder why the 9 kids only gave her 19 grandchildren. My mother only had six children, but we have exceeded that total! Ditto for why the 19 grandchildren only gaver her 30 great grand-children.
Heaps of possible reasons. Maybe some never married, some were unable to have children, some were only able to have 1 or 2 children, some died young...
Also, it's possible the grandchildren haven't stopped producing yet, so 30 great grand-children may increase.
Heaps of possible reasons. Maybe some never married, some were unable to have children, some were only able to have 1 or 2 children, some died young...
Also, it's possible the grandchildren haven't stopped producing yet, so 30 great grand-children may increase.
My parents had 7 and 6 siblings. In each family there was one who never married or had children. There was also some with few (1 or 2) and some with more like 7 or nine. I ended up with about 30 cousins on each side of the family....but I think that number is higher then the overall average.
Good catch @Daniel DeLuca I've seen this happen several times. A couple has a big family, but they eventually buy into the propaganda, or allow their children to buy into it, and so of those children that manage to marry have only 1 or 2 or maybe 3 kids. This is really what it all comes down to; social pressures to not have more than 1 or 2 kids.

But despite all that this meme is still a good example: she at least had kids. I can't say the same for an astonishing number of my peers who put all their life's focus in their 20's on education and then career and never managed to do the one thing that actually mattered: procreate.
In our experience, most people in Ireland in their 30-40s are one of about a dozen kids, but have only 2 of their own. The culture there changed that much in one generation.

The same change happened here but much slower. I suspect that's what happens when a die-hard catholic country looses it's faith.
I was from a family of 7 children, so also was my first wife.
We had two children because that was what she desired. I could have cared......., excuse me, I couldn’t have cared less at the time, I thoroughly loved what we had.
Both of those children chose not to procreate. It’s probably my fault for exposing them to Seattle culture, from which they never escaped.

It happened. Just. That. Fast.

I will be supplying my own grandchildren.