• Biblical Families is not a dating website. It is a forum to discuss issues relating to marriage and the Bible, and to offer guidance and support, not to find a wife. Click here for more information.

Let's make some pro PATRIARCHY memes!!

On the other hand, I have 7 children, and my oldest daughter currently wants to have 10 children (and wants them to have 10 children so she will have 100 grandchildren). My other children are really keen on having kids of their own too, and plenty of them. It will be interesting to see what happens when they're older.
That’s one of the blessings of biblical marriage, women can have children that they didn’t have to birth.
I am my man's only "baby mama" which means simplicity in parenting and no working out custody issues. I have long thought it would be neat to see a sisterwife and him have children.....but honestly grandchildren are a far more real likelihood then ever finding a suitable addition to our old fashioned family.
I am my man's only "baby mama" which means simplicity in parenting and no working out custody issues. I have long thought it would be neat to see a sisterwife and him have children.....but honestly grandchildren are a far more real likelihood then ever finding a suitable addition to our old fashioned family.
You know, I think you all are a good example that proves how few and far between good, godly, intelligent women are. Having met your husband, it is obvious to me that he is an honorable hardworking man who leads his family well. That’s rare these days. The fact that he hasn’t found a second woman shows, I believe, the state of the priorities of women these days.

My mom steals her grand babies every chance she gets, and she says having grandchildren is where it’s at. Haha
That is the most awesome aspect of retreats. Meeting other people that have good values and desire to live a godly life.

@Asforme&myhouse I missed meeting your family at last year's retreat, but am glad some of our crew could go and be blessed by the fellowship.

The fact that he hasn’t found a second woman shows, I believe, the state of the priorities of women these days.

To be completely honest, he just doesn't expect to find, and doesn't have time to look. The "holy grove" of modern worship (holywood) coupled with state incorporated and politically correct churches have taken a huge toll on the morality of Americans.

I appreciate your positive assessment of my husband. He was raised "old school" and I am very blessed to be his wife.

Biblical history shows cycles. We here at biblical families are misfits in our time but are clinging to the standards of our timeless God. May he refine us and make us fit for His kingdom.......because that sounds like the family reunion and retreat to beat all! :)
... doesn't have time to look.

Lol, same here. I’m too busy building to be wandering around trying to attract someone, however, a second helper would be welcome :)

As far as being misfits goes, I’ve always felt like maybe i was dropped into the wrong century :rolleyes: but really, I kind of like being different haha
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That is something I fear, myself. We are still trying for our third, but we haven't had much luck in that category. I remember reading something about Bill Gates vaccinating young Romanian women, with a vaccine that was tainted, with the intent of making them infertile. I do count my blessings that we do at least have two, but I certainly don't want my children to have this mindset of not wanting to have any children of their own.

I don't believe I have ever heard someone say that they will be supplying their own grandchildren. If I were to guess, what you are saying is that you intend to have more children in your old age, but I could be wrong.
If I were to guess, what you are saying is that you intend to have more children in your old age,
Old age?
I’m a mere 67.
Old age is for old people.
Old age?
I’m a mere 67.
Old age is for old people.
Ha! OK, so you want to have children that would be young enough to be your grandchildren, or could be your great grandchildren.
I’m gonna stick around till the Millennium starts and get my renewed body.
I didn’t sign up for the rapture.
I wanted as many as I could get, we never used birth control and I ended up with 5. With my first wife anyway. Still a grain of hope that I meet another woman of child bearing age, but that hope is kind of fading. Starting to focus more on grandchildren and how to keep them from moving too far away.
I wanted as many as I could get, we never used birth control and I ended up with 5. With my first wife anyway. Still a grain of hope that I meet another woman of child bearing age, but that hope is kind of fading. Starting to focus more on grandchildren and how to keep them from moving too far away.
Five is a good number. Let's hope the children follow your lead!

Some men end up with 3 or four wives, while others of us are still looking for our second. I get mixed feelings about that. I don't have any issue with a man who is able to persuade a third wife, who was not already interested in polygamy, to begin with, but when someone removes from the pool of available women, who are already on board with polygamy, and they already have two or three, I don't want to argue that we should have equality or anything, but it does make me a little bit (only a fraction, mind you) sympathetic to this notion of arranged marriages. Of course I don't think that the single ladies here would ever buy into this (poll anyone???), and I'd be afraid myself, who I might end up with, but at least that would get me a second. I think I'll just wait and see how and who God decides is best for me.
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“Each man should only have two because some men are left out if some guys have too many.”

sounds vaguely familiar......
“Each man should only have two because some men are left out if some guys have too many.”

sounds vaguely familiar......
Just change the number and it's the same ole argument that the "best" guys shouldn't hog the ladies....gotta make some gals select from the leftovers....:p...er rather "available" men. :rolleyes:

Polygyny is free market options for women! :) Sell it to 'em as job share maybe? or having a co-wife with benefits. LOL
“Each man should only have two because some men are left out if some guys have too many.”

sounds vaguely familiar......
That would be a horrible reason to argue for men only having two wives! I certainly never said that, but you put that in quotes, as if that were what was said, ver batim. I am only saying that it does make it a bit frustrating in the search for the second. Yeah, I get mixed feelings about men who have two wives, going onto pro-poly forums and reaching out to women who are already on board with polygyny, and I probably will, until I have a second wife, but I put a lot of hard work into convincing people that polygamy is an acceptable practice, and I would like to see the fruit of my labor.

We had a guest speaker on Sunday, who quoted a Greek Proverb that says that "Great men plant trees that they will never sit under." If that is is true and if it is applied to polygyny, I suppose I don't want to be a great man after all.

Having said that, I have not been a defender of those who wish to add a third wife, in public forums, because unless each wife is having six children on average, you are not really putting back in, what you are taking out. We have established the fact that there is nothing wrong with generation gap marriages, so I will defend the practice of taking a third wife, if one of those wives, is a widow, since she is expected to outlive her husband by many years.

With few notable exceptions, the men here on BF, are not the dregs of society, but neither are we exactly the cream of the crop. It's all a wash. That is where the comparison to the monogamy, "each man gets a wife" idea, falls apart. Sure, if there is someone in our midst, and I won't name names, but those men aren't exactly marriage material, and we wouldn't even want that person to have one wife, much less two.

Let's face it though! If we are becoming an organization of parasites and worker bees, the worker bees among us, just might go elsewhere, and the whole ediface will collapse. I myself, have gotten worn down, going on YouTube and other discussion groups, trying to persuade the masses, that they are wrong. I have a regular job that I have to focus on. I don't get paid to debate people online. The Bible says that the laborer is worthy of his hire. I don't want to have to go shopping for a job every six months or so. That doesn't look good, when you are trying to win over someone.

I understand why people who have two wives, don't have time to do the hard work, because I don't have time for it myself. Look! There is no shortage of good husbands among us. The shortage of good husbands, is out there where the women live under the assumption that if someone like myself were to try to win them over, I am either just trying to have them as a side chick, or my marriage is in trouble, whereas if I had a second wife, that same woman would understand that neither of those two assumptions is correct.
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