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CHRISTMAS - Exposed!

Daniel didn’t marry. We have no indication about a host of others as well. The point being that you’ve elevated another tradition in to a command. You have to stop doing that.

I will go with that is my personal understanding in most cases and others as well.
There are cases where it may not, but I do not foresee that being true in any my "house/s"
Unless they are born or made that way by accident.

Also a man is not to waist his seed and 99.999999999% of men would be burning as Paul put it.
She was not Respectful and Demanded me to reply and I said No.
Women do not demand they need to ask and then I might reply.
That wasn’t a demand.
You disrespected her by not answering her question, (you do that a lot) and she asked a bit more insistently.

This isn’t a Synagogue, it is a public discussion. Our position is that there is no hierarchy of gender when interacting here, if you can’t handle that, you may face consequences.
That wasn’t a demand.
You disrespected her by not answering her question, (you do that a lot) and she asked a bit more insistently.

This isn’t a Synagogue, it is a public discussion. Our position is that there is no hierarchy of gender when interacting here, if you can’t handle that, you may face consequences.
I don't have to reply, you can't and shouldn't force people to reply. You all might agree in this idea men and women are equally but I do not. If she or any other woman wants to demand I will just overlook them moving forward and let their husbands deal with them as it's not my job to handle their issues.

Even men can't just demand.
I will go with that is my personal understanding in most cases and others as well.
There are cases where it may not, but I do not foresee that being true in any my "house/s"
Unless they are born or made that way by accident.

Also a man is not to waist his seed and 99.999999999% of men would be burning as Paul put it.
Oooooh, you were doing so good then you threw in the seed wasting. It’s a start I guess. As long as you can admit it’s your opinion and not a command.
Oooooh, you were doing so good then you threw in the seed wasting. It’s a start I guess. As long as you can admit it’s your opinion and not a command.
It's my understanding of the command.

Adam was formed, his wife was made and given to him. Nether was asked, it was just so.

A lot of times it seems if it is something you don't agree with you can't see its meaning.
it seems y'all are easily confused when it is not familiar to you or your understanding and you claim I am not replying when I am.

Adam was told "This is Your Wife"
Eve was told "This is Your Husband Obey"

G-d did not ask, He told.

Mary was with Child, but G-d did not ask. He told
Mary married Joseph, But no one asked Mary. He was just her Husband.
Mary was with Child, but G-d did not ask. He told
Mary married Joseph, But no one asked Mary. He was just her Husband.
Not the best example, Joseph wasn’t asked either.
Not the best example, Joseph wasn’t asked either.

Nether will my son's

At least with their first wife, after that I am their adviser.
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Ok, I’m not going to bother to point out that you are not Yah.

I am their Father and as The Bible Tells women Obey your Husband as if He was G-d.
The Whole House in under my Laws till I Give my Daughter Permission or Grant my son.


A lot of times it seems if it is something you don't agree with you can't see its meaning.
it seems y'all are easily confused when it is not familiar to you or your understanding and you claim I am not replying when I am.

Adam was told "This is Your Wife"
Eve was told "This is Your Husband Obey"

G-d did not ask, He told.

Mary was with Child, but G-d did not ask. He told
Mary married Joseph, But no one asked Mary. He was just her Husband.
I think you have too many conversations going on at one time. You brought up seed wasting out of nowhere. Then when I questioned that you went to Adam and Eve out of farther in nowhere. Then you said I couldn’t understand something I was unfamiliar with. This logic stream doesn’t flow.

Seed wasting isn’t a thing. It’s not in scripture. You’ll find Onan. That wasn’t about seed wasting. You’ll find another verse if you look hard enough but it doesn’t mean what you think it means. It treats “seed wasting” just like laying with your wife. So clearly not a prohibition.

But all of that may be stuff you’re not familiar with so don’t understand.
I think you have too many conversations going on at one time. You brought up seed wasting out of nowhere. Then when I questioned that you went to Adam and Eve out of farther in nowhere. Then you said I couldn’t understand something I was unfamiliar with. This logic stream doesn’t flow.

Seed wasting isn’t a thing. It’s not in scripture. You’ll find Onan. That wasn’t about seed wasting. You’ll find another verse if you look hard enough but it doesn’t mean what you think it means. It treats “seed wasting” just like laying with your wife. So clearly not a prohibition.

But all of that may be stuff you’re not familiar with so don’t understand.

I am way to tire to reply, its been a very long day for me.
@AbrahamSolomon, you have just disgraced yourself as a man. My wife asked you a simple question, and you could not answer it. The manly thing to do would be to say "you've got a point there, thankyou". The weak, cowardly thing to do would be to say "I'm a man, you're just a woman, so I'm not going to answer".

You are making a fool of yourself.

Proverbs 17:27-28 is your best advice at this point.
@AbrahamSolomon, you have just disgraced yourself as a man. My wife asked you a simple question, and you could not answer it. The manly thing to do would be to say "you've got a point there, thankyou". The weak, cowardly thing to do would be to say "I'm a man, you're just a woman, so I'm not going to answer".

You are making a fool of yourself.

Proverbs 17:27-28 is your best advice at this point.


I find this interesting we must have a mirror because I feel this exact same way when men let women run their house as if they are weak, cowardly and disgracing all men. It is odd when people who are so Progressive saying stuff like I've been hearing. But again this is your right to follow who ever you want even if its not right with G-d. I clearly stated please do not demand and ask nicely using a Biblical Based Post on Verses Below. I am not at all ashamed or do I feel like a coward and I'm definitely not disgraced.

Womens Role in Church
1 Timothy 2:11-14
King James Version (KJV)
11 Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection.
12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.
13 For Adam was first formed, then Eve.
14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.

King James Version (KJV)
34 Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience as also saith the law.
35 And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church.
36 What? came the word of G-d out from you? or came it unto you only?
37 If any man think himself to be a prophet, or spiritual, let him acknowledge that the things that I write unto you are the commandments of the Lord.

Ephesians 5:22-33
King James Version (KJV)
22 Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord.
23 For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body.
24 Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing.

Isaiah 3:12
King James Version (KJV)
12 As for my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths.
You sure are an arrogant young feller. You just cannot receive correction, can you?

Just out of curiosity, do you consider yourself a prophet?
You sure are an arrogant young feller. You just cannot receive correction, can you?

Just out of curiosity, do you consider yourself a prophet?

I'm not trying too be.
I just care extremely a lot about my Faith.
I am being reminded it's going to be much harder to find compatible spouses for my children.

I'm not sure if we have any right now and even if I was a Prophet and had visions for all my life. I personally feel put on hold till He chooses to pick back up.

Being a Prophet is no glorious glamorous title, it's a workload a responsibility to take way too much on one person. There are so many who Proclaim they are if I was one I'd wait till I knew for sure. Who knows maybe when I'm 90 and have learned far more I might be if G-d Allows. But G-d would have to really start Speaking and I'd have to see something happening. A Prophet is humble, meek and slow to anger and I'm able to keep myself at peace. But Moseses issues of anger lead to him getting in trouble with G-d.

Becareful of Calling yourself a Prophet as if you are then others will see it before you Speak it.

I’m glad to know that you don’t claim to be a prophet, because you don’t measure up on two out of three of your qualifications.