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CHRISTMAS - Exposed!

I have issues with men claiming a mantle of authority when they lack credibility. Such contemptible creatures made me miserable when I was young. My father, cops, teachers, social workers.

In contrast to those men there are good men on this site. They have credibility with me and most of them are credible to me because of the testimony of their wives. I trust them and will defer to them on certain things because they are credible leaders in their families and because they are credible in their faith and they are credible as men.

Another unique quality of these men is that none of them have ever had to tell me about their authority. They don't worry about it because they know the source of their authority and if someone doesn't see it then so be it.

Now where did I get to learn about this? I learned it from the man I married who never once had to tell me who was in charge. Not once. Not ever. It was abundantly clear from the start.

In my experience men who have to tell me about their 'authority' are weak and quite often they're bullies. And citing Scripture to me is akin to telling me you're going to tell mom if I don't respect your authority.

Seriously, if you want my respect or any other woman's respect then earn it. Demonstrate it. Be a man.

Real men don't whine about their authority. They just establish it and let everyone else figure it out.

MeganC there are many well established, well-educated and as well as being very articulate Leaders Leading people away from G-d even in the smallest ways. Never take anyone words and Learn for yourself and if we disagree then we disagree.

You don't get to define who is your brother. That is the fundamental difference between "brothers" and "friends" - you can choose your friends, but must put up with your brothers. And that is why the word is used in scripture - it has a meaning, it is important.

Yeshua called his followers his brothers. That means that, if we follow Him, we are brothers whether we like it or not.

And even if someone is doing wrong - they are STILL a brother.
2 Thessalonians 3:6: Now we command you, brethren, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye withdraw yourselves from every brother that walketh disorderly, and not after the tradition which he received of us.
2 Thessalonians 3:14-15:
And if any man obey not our word by this epistle, note that man, and have no company with him, that he may be ashamed.
Yet count him not as an enemy, but admonish him as a brother.

In the second case, the man in question has behaved so badly he is to be entirely rejected from the assembly of believers - yet he is still a brother!

The only way @NickF could not be your brother is if you are not following Yeshua. Because I know very well that he is.

You have shown from Torah a verse you think makes marriage mandatory, and have shown many examples of Godly men who did not marry, every example of which disproves your point. You have not shown a law that says "you must marry unless you have the gift of prophecy" or something like that - just a load of examples of people who, if marriage is mandatory, must be terrible sinners.

Yes. But Jewish encyclopaedias are not God's Word.

Matthew 7:21-27

21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.

22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?

23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

24 Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock:

25 And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock.

26 And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand:

27 And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it.
There is no Law commanding marriage you nit wit!

Is this Respectfulness?

This is The Law and you don't have to agree and I understand just Disagree.

  1. To be fruitful and multiply (Gen. 1:28) (CCA43).
But I do not call you a nit wit, we just disagree and should do it Respectfully.
No. I don’t have to be respectful to a someone claiming to be an authority who is so wrong on almost every thing that comes out of his mouth. Especially when you are so insulting to everyone else. How many times have you told us we’re raising our children to be worldly?
No. I don’t have to be respectful to a someone claiming to be an authority who is so wrong on almost every thing that comes out of his mouth. Especially when you are so insulting to everyone else. How many times have you told us we’re raising our children to be worldly?

I come speaking Laws and you say I am naive because this is not how its works with kids.
Let your kids do as you will but for me and my House We will Serve The L-rd.

Also that is not disrespectful all I said was I don't teach worldly views like Women's Rights, Gender Neutrality or Trans Genders.
and I am sure that some said we view Women as Men as "equal in their Authority on this website" so we disagree and I just say that.

I can be kind and not agree or allow my children to marry unbelievers.
Two separate members of this forum whom I highly respect have privately recommended to me that this thread be locked, as it is not profitable to anybody at this point. I agree, this is going nowhere. I'll give people this afternoon / evening to post their closing thoughts, then close it off.

Only because you must prove people wrong and are not willing or able to just disagree with people.

I am sure there was more then two, learn to disagree and still be respectful at the sametime.

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Except you’re not copying God’s Law, you’re copying random articles off of the internet. Which is essentially the exact opposite.

I am showing two things by doing that. One its as a Verse to back it up and two this is not a made up idea of mine.
We must be able to disagree and still respect each other and you claim I'm forcing you to agree with me and I have said "No, you don't have too"
MeganC there are many well established, well-educated and as well as being very articulate Leaders Leading people away from G-d even in the smallest ways. Never take anyone words and Learn for yourself and if we disagree then we disagree.


Aleichem shalom,

Again, you look to words for the source of your authority. You fail to understand that those words are intended to inspire you to take action.

Why should I or anyone else recognize authority in you when you have not demonstrated it?

You've read The Parable of the Talents, right? So if God gave you authority then why haven't you used it? You say you want to start a synagogue and I ask, What's stopping you?

As a young girl I had the privilege to know John Bos.

John lost much of his family in the Holocaust and he nearly died in his time at Theresienstadt. The injuries he suffered at the hands of the Nazis stayed with him the rest of his life but every time I would see him he had a wonderful sparkle in his eye and he'd speak of his love of God. I learned my love of Judaism and the Jewish tradition from John.

Despite his injuries and setbacks in life when John wanted to start a synagogue he started a synagogue.

He was a quiet and unassuming man and I absolutely deferred to his very credible authority as a leader, an elder, and as a man. And he never asked this of me even once.

He never needed to.
I come speaking Laws and you say I am naive because this is not how its works with kids.
Let your kids do as you will but for me and my House We will Serve The L-rd.

Also that is not disrespectful all I said was I don't teach worldly views like Women's Rights, Gender Neutrality or Trans Genders.
and I am sure that some said we view Women as Men as "equal in their Authority on this website" so we disagree and I just say that.

I can be kind and not agree or allow my children to marry unbelievers.
YOU ARE NOT SPEAKING LAWS. Nothing you say has been rooted in Law. When you’re asked for references you say something even crazier to distract from the now slightly less crazy seeming thing you had said before.

You don’t know what Laws are. Nothing you say has been rooted in Law. You are Lawless. Hopefully you’re just ignorant of what Law is but even if that’s so your arrogance and blind, obstinate determination to remain ignorant disqualifies you from being taken seriously.
I am showing two things by doing that. One its as a Verse to back it up and two this is not a made up idea of mine.
We must be able to disagree and still respect each other and you claim I'm forcing you to agree with me and I have said "No, you don't have too"
You are failing at both of those points. You don’t provide chapter and verse and the ideas you’re posting don’t actually line up with the one you’re supposed to be defending.
We should be able to put an issues forward and talk about and peacefully disagree without calling names.
I myself need to know what everyone of you thinks so I understand if any of us or even close to any of our children in The Future
are marriage candidates for each other.

But any girl who wishes to marry my Son/s must Pledge before G-d and man she will Obey, Submit 100% in all things to her Husbands as well as G-d.

Any men who wishes to marry my daughters must Pledge before G-d and man to Obey Torah and Keep them and to Love his wife/wives as Christ Loves His Church.

and all males from my children must Obey.

Kohanim and Levites​

  1. That the kohanim shall put on priestly vestments for the service (Ex. 28:2) (affirmative). See Kohein.
  2. Not to tear the High Kohein's robe (Ex. 28:32) (negative). See Kohein.
  3. That the kohein shall not enter the Sanctuary at all times (i.e., at times when he is not performing service) (Lev. 16:2) (negative). See Kohein.
  4. That the ordinary kohein shall not defile himself by contact with any dead, other than immediate relatives (Lev. 21:1-3) (CCN141). See Kohein, Care for the Dead.
  5. That the kohanim defile themselves for their deceased relatives (by attending their burial), and mourn for them like other Israelites, who are commanded to mourn for their relatives (Lev. 21:3) (CCA59). See Kohein, Care for the Dead; Mourning.
  6. That a kohein who had an immersion during the day (to cleanse him from his uncleanness) shall not serve in the Sanctuary until after sunset (Lev. 21:6) (negative). See Kohein.
  7. That a kohein shall not marry a divorced woman (Lev. 21:7) (CCN140). See Prohibited Marriages and Illegitimate Children; Kohein.
  8. That a kohein shall not marry a harlot (Lev. 21:7) (CCN138). See Prohibited Marriages and Illegitimate Children; Kohein.
  9. That a kohein shall not marry a profaned woman (Lev. 21:7) (CCN139). See Prohibited Marriages and Illegitimate Children; Kohein.
  10. To show honor to a kohein, and to give him precedence in all things that are holy (Lev. 21:8) (CCA50). See Kohein.
  11. That a High Kohein shall not defile himself with any dead, even if they are relatives (Lev. 21:11) (negative). See Kohein, Care for the Dead.
  12. That a High Kohein shall not go (under the same roof) with a dead body (Lev. 21:11) It has been learnt by tradition that a kohein, who does so, violates the prohibition, "Neither shall he go in ", and also the prohibition "He shall not defile himself" (negative). See Kohein, Care for the Dead.
  13. That the High Kohein shall marry a virgin (Lev. 21:13) (affirmative). See Prohibited Marriages and Illegitimate Children; Kohein.
  14. That the High Kohein shall not marry a widow (Lev. 21:14) (negative). See Prohibited Marriages and Illegitimate Children; Kohein.
  15. That the High Kohein shall not cohabit with a widow, even without marriage, because he profanes her (Lev. 21:15) (negative). See Prohibited Marriages and Illegitimate Children; Kohein.
  16. That a person with a physical blemish shall not serve (in the Sanctuary) (Lev. 21:17) (negative).
  17. That a kohein with a temporary blemish shall not serve there (Lev. 21:21) (negative). See Kohein.
  18. That a person with a physical blemish shall not enter the Sanctuary further than the altar (Lev. 21:23) (negative).
  19. That a kohein who is unclean shall not serve (in the Sanctuary) (Lev. 22:2-3) (negative). See Kohein.
  20. To send the unclean out of the Camp of the Shechinah, that is, out of the Sanctuary (Num. 5:2) (affirmative).
  21. That a kohein who is unclean shall not enter the courtyard (Num. 5:2-3) This refers to the Camp of the Shechinah (negative). See Kohein.
  22. That the kohanim shall bless Israel (Num. 6:23) (CCA58). See Kohein.
  23. To set apart a portion of the dough for the kohein (Num. 15:20) (CCA57). See Kohein.
  24. That the Levites shall not occupy themselves with the service that belongs to the kohanim, nor the kohanim with that belonging to the Levites (Num. 18:3) (negative). See Kohein, Levi.
  25. That one not a descendant of Aaron in the male line shall not serve (in the Sanctuary) (Num. 18:4-7) (negative).
  26. That the Levite shall serve in the Sanctuary (Num. 18:23) (affirmative). See Levi.
  27. To give the Levites cities to dwell in, these to serve also as cities of refuge (Num. 35:2) (affirmative). See Levi.
  28. That none of the tribe of Levi shall take any portion of territory in the land (of Israel) (Deut. 18:1) (negative). See Levi.
  29. That none of the tribe of Levi shall take any share of the spoil (at the conquest of the Promised Land) (Deut. 18:1) (negative). See Levi.
  30. That the kohanim shall serve in the Sanctuary in divisions, but on festivals, they all serve together (Deut. 18:6-8) (affirmative). See Kohein.

You are failing at both of those points. You don’t provide chapter and verse and the ideas you’re posting don’t actually line up with the one you’re supposed to be defending.

If you disagree then just say it and move on.
Aleichem shalom,

Again, you look to words for the source of your authority. You fail to understand that those words are intended to inspire you to take action.

Why should I or anyone else recognize authority in you when you have not demonstrated it?

You've read The Parable of the Talents, right? So if God gave you authority then why haven't you used it? You say you want to start a synagogue and I ask, What's stopping you?

As a young girl I had the privilege to know John Bos.

John lost much of his family in the Holocaust and he nearly died in his time at Theresienstadt. The injuries he suffered at the hands of the Nazis stayed with him the rest of his life but every time I would see him he had a wonderful sparkle in his eye and he'd speak of his love of God. I learned my love of Judaism and the Jewish tradition from John.

Despite his injuries and setbacks in life when John wanted to start a synagogue he started a synagogue.

He was a quiet and unassuming man and I absolutely deferred to his very credible authority as a leader, an elder, and as a man. And he never asked this of me even once.

He never needed to.

Nice story, The Internet is most likely the worst place to debate anything.
I care deeply for bring together His Sheep, but this is not an easy and I know it will be hard.
But I can't do it alone so either I will find Men as Elders and Women who teach Women and Children or I just wait till all my children grow up and have them do it for me. It is not easy at all and its also very important. There is not a massive amount of True Believers and I am trying to find whoever is and teach others who might be willing to hear.

I don't mind hearing what women think all my Wives are Advisers to me.
NickF, You are not my brother.
If you profess Christ as your Lord, then you are my brother no matter what you say. Just as God is Lord no matter what you say, and His Law stands above Man's law and opinion. I care nothing for Doctrines and Commandments of Men.

When you start supporting your beliefs and assertions with scripture instead of the doctrines and teachings of man, I'll listen to you. Until then, you have nothing to teach me except an example of arrogance, pride, and lawlessness.
I think something that is confusing everyone is difference between what I and my children are looking for and saying you must be this way.
No, I am saying what my Future Synagogues requirements are for people to join as Elders and (if) anyone wanted to marry any of my Children.

You can believe anyway you want and your kids can believe as you want we just won't do it together.
If you profess Christ as your Lord, then you are my brother no matter what you say. Just as God is Lord no matter what you say, and His Law stands above Man's law and opinion. I care nothing for Doctrines and Commandments of Men.

When you start supporting your beliefs and assertions with scripture instead of the doctrines and teachings of man, I'll listen to you. Until then, you have nothing to teach me except an example of arrogance, pride, and lawlessness.


Take care and be Blessed.

You don’t know what Laws are. Nothing you say has been rooted in Law. You are Lawless.
I hadn't really thought it through that far, and @The Revolting Man is right. You are making a serious error @AbrahamSolomon. You are trying to follow the Law - but don't even understand what makes something a Law, so end up believing the Law is whatever feels right to you in the various opinions you have read. This, by definition, makes you lawless - the exact opposite of what you appear to be sincerely trying to achieve.

If you truly wish to follow the Law, you MUST take this lesson to heart, or you will be deceived and led to the slaughter by The Lawless One.

Matthew 7:21-27

21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.

22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?

23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

24 Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock:

25 And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock.

26 And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand:

27 And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it.
Yah is the judge of whether or not someone is your brother, not you.

Walk softly before him, making the mistake of rejecting one of His own doesn’t play well in the courts of Heaven. You can quote Him chapter and verse all day long, but if He says that you misunderstood it you have no one to appeal to.
I hadn't really thought it through that far, and @The Revolting Man is right. You are making a serious error @AbrahamSolomon. You are trying to follow the Law - but don't even understand what makes something a Law, so end up believing the Law is whatever feels right to you in the various opinions you have read. This, by definition, makes you lawless - the exact opposite of what you appear to be sincerely trying to achieve.

If you truly wish to follow the Law, you MUST take this lesson to heart, or you will be deceived and led to the slaughter by The Lawless One.

We need a Group of Elders on each side who Truly want Truth and then we can pick each topic and debate them in person.
We can have notes on topics and debate each Elder why we believe, this might not solve ever issue but I believe it would be better.

I did not start any of this to push me or my beliefs on others but so that we might talk about many issues that should be talked about.

If we all Truly want Truth then we need to take an issues one by one.
Marriage is held to be uniquely mandatory for men, and an unmarried man over the age of twenty is considered "cursed by God Himself." There is evidence however that in some communities males did not marry until "thirty or older." In medieval Jewish Ashkenazi communities, women continued to be married young.

Who are Jews allowed to marry?

As noted above, Jewish marriage is halakhically valid only if carried out between a man and woman who are both Jewish, in accordance with the law of Moses and Israel. A later regulation requires that the marriage take place in the presence of a. minyan, a quorum of ten men.

In traditional Judaism, marriage is viewed as a contractual bond commanded by God in which a man and a woman come together to create a relationship in which God is directly involved. Though procreation is not the sole purpose, a Jewish marriage is traditionally expected to fulfil the commandment to have children.
Abraham, the above quote exposes your major stumbling block. You confuse/conflate 'Jewish' and 'Jewish halachah' with Torah and Moses.

See, halachic Judaism of all stripes has myriad traditions and rabbinic rulings that are not even remotely close to the Torah. And, they add all kinds of stuff to the Torah, calling it torah but it is nothing more than tradition. That's what you really believe: tradition.

One definition of lawless is adding to the Torah. Point the finger at Christendom for Christmas and try to remove that splinter while ignoring the Talmudic plank in your eye? That's called hypocrisy.

Now, breaking a Torah command has a penalty. Adultery? Stoning. Murder? Avenger of blood or worse. Stealing? Return the stolen plus 1/5. Etc...

If marrying is a command, what's the penalty for breaking it?

And, all the horse manure you posted about marriage from the Jewish encyclopedia? That is your tradition in NO WAY incumbent on any human being, ever. God laughs at those additions to Hus PERFECT Torah.... so do I.