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CHRISTMAS - Exposed!

have helped raise two of my younger brothers because my mom was to busy working.
I raised my son for many years alone because his mother was unable to mentally as single father.
I have a lot of experience in dealing with children and how to deal with their pain and sufferings.
No you don’t. Helping with your brothers and raising one 6 year old boy does not count as even a little bit of experience. It’s barely a introduction. I say this with no malice or ill intentions but you know nothing about fathering. You’ve just gotten started. All of your biggest trials, worst failures and greatest triumphs are ahead of you. Six year old boys are the easiest parenting this is.
This is your opinion:
Yes. And it’s based very firmly in scripture. Do you see how that’s done? I didn’t claim to be the only true believer in the conversation. I didn’t spray passive aggressive implications against anyone’s character or motives and I didn’t claim my opinion or that of any other man was God’s Law. You too could have normal conversations with people if you follow these few, easy steps.
12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.
She wasn’t trying to teach you. It was a conversation. Women are only commanded to silence in the assembly. Every where else they can make as much noise as their husbands allow and they can make it at anyone over anything. What can’t happen is random men rebuking other men’s wives. You should take that to her husband and let him handle as he sees fit. And that’s also my opinion that’s based solidly in scripture.

And how did you get in a fight with this woman?!?! No one has had friction with her since she’s been here.
Other than the part about Jeremiah not one word of this is scripture.
The other part of just F.Y.I
The main part was to show there was a reason he did not get married so he did not break The Law.
The other part of just F.Y.I
The main part was to show there was a reason he did not get married so he did not break The Law.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh! There is no Law commanding marriage you nit wit! There’s no point showing me he didn’t break a Law until you prove there’s a Law.

None of the stuff you cut and pasted from some other site showed where there’s a Biblical command for men to get married.

You. Must. Open. Your. Closed. Mind. You do not know what you’re talking about and you seem incapable of even understanding the core objection. There is no command for men to marry. Jeremiah didn’t. Daniel didn’t. John the Baptist didn’t. Jesus didn’t. Paul didn’t. There are whole swaths of the Old and New Testaments where we encounter prophets, heroes, apostles and saints whose marital status is not known.

You must find a passage of scripture that commands men to marry. Then there might be a reason to explain why Jeremiah didn’t.

Focus on the words that people are typing. They have meaning. If they don’t make sense then you can reread them.

You claim to be some kind of teacher. That means you have to meet a higher standard. You’re not currently meeting it.
No you don’t. Helping with your brothers and raising one 6 year old boy does not count as even a little bit of experience. It’s barely a introduction. I say this with no malice or ill intentions but you know nothing about fathering. You’ve just gotten started. All of your biggest trials, worst failures and greatest triumphs are ahead of you. Six year old boys are the easiest parenting this is.

I do not raise my son worldly and so people saying how the world works is not showing me how to raise my son.

Yes. And it’s based very firmly in scripture. Do you see how that’s done? I didn’t claim to be the only true believer in the conversation. I didn’t spray passive aggressive implications against anyone’s character or motives and I didn’t claim my opinion or that of any other man was God’s Law. You too could have normal conversations with people if you follow these few, easy steps.

I think you read to much into what I write. I am here to find out what others Believe and I have seen what you and a few others believe and that I might never have gotten till we have this kind of discussion.

She wasn’t trying to teach you. It was a conversation. Women are only commanded to silence in the assembly. Every where else they can make as much noise as their husbands allow and they can make it at anyone over anything. What can’t happen is random men rebuking other men’s wives. You should take that to her husband and let him handle as he sees fit. And that’s also my opinion that’s based solidly in scripture.

And how did you get in a fight with this woman?!?! No one has had friction with her since she’s been here.

That was not a fight, it was stating facts. I would do the same in-person too so that we understand that I live by G-ds Words.
You believe that it only applies to "The Assembly" but we are on/in a Biblical Assembly even if it is Online we are Assembling.
Believe it or not its part of The Feminist Movement and not very Biblical at all.

Believe it or not I do think about what some of you say because some it is right.
But I disagree 100% any woman has any Authority over an Adult male other then maybe a Mother in come cases due to Respect your Mother and Father. I normal do as my mom ask of me.
No you don’t. Helping with your brothers and raising one 6 year old boy does not count as even a little bit of experience. It’s barely a introduction. I say this with no malice or ill intentions but you know nothing about fathering. You’ve just gotten started. All of your biggest trials, worst failures and greatest triumphs are ahead of you. Six year old boys are the easiest parenting this is.
I agree with the above. I'm just getting started with training children. This is why I maintain the attitude of humility and a desire to learn from those who have gone on before me and experienced things and learned things I haven't.

Yes. And it’s based very firmly in scripture. Do you see how that’s done? I didn’t claim to be the only true believer in the conversation. I didn’t spray passive aggressive implications against anyone’s character or motives and I didn’t claim my opinion or that of any other man was God’s Law. You too could have normal conversations with people if you follow these few, easy steps.
This would require patience, goodness, meekness, humility. These are fruits of the spirit.

She wasn’t trying to teach you. It was a conversation. Women are only commanded to silence in the assembly. Every where else they can make as much noise as their husbands allow and they can make it at anyone over anything.
101% Bravo!
What can’t happen is random men rebuking other men’s wives. You should take that to her husband and let him handle as he sees fit. And that’s also my opinion that’s based solidly in scripture.
And a man doing this needs to tread very lightly if he makes the mistake of doing so to my wife.
And how did you get in a fight with this woman?!?! No one has had friction with her since she’s been here.
Pride is how.
I am here to find out what others Believe
No you aren't. You have proven that conclusively by non-stop copying and pasting what others should believe. You have almost entirely attempted to shove your doctrines of man down everyone's throats despite numerous attempts to get you to stop and ask questions and learn.

You have no humility.
If you would settle down and stop throwing out unscriptural opinions and touting those man created doctrines as God inspired law, you might actually fit in here. But I don't honestly think you are capable of that.

I for one have learned a tremendous amount since first posting here. I wish I could go back and delete some of the dumb things I said.

Back to the quote. You have proclaimed you are here to teach and to build a sanctuary or some kind of monument to your hubris. This quote is an outright lie. You are not here to learn. You are here like you've said numerous times, to teach others and to correct wrong beliefs.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh! There is no Law commanding marriage you nit wit! There’s no point showing me he didn’t break a Law until you prove there’s a Law.

None of the stuff you cut and pasted from some other site showed where there’s a Biblical command for men to get married.

You. Must. Open. Your. Closed. Mind. You do not know what you’re talking about and you seem incapable of even understanding the core objection. There is no command for men to marry. Jeremiah didn’t. Daniel didn’t. John the Baptist didn’t. Jesus didn’t. Paul didn’t. There are whole swaths of the Old and New Testaments where we encounter prophets, heroes, apostles and saints whose marital status is not known.

You must find a passage of scripture that commands men to marry. Then there might be a reason to explain why Jeremiah didn’t.

Focus on the words that people are typing. They have meaning. If they don’t make sense then you can reread them.

You claim to be some kind of teacher. That means you have to meet a higher standard. You’re not currently meeting it.

There is no Law commanding marriage you nit wit!

Is this Respectfulness?

This is The Law and you don't have to agree and I understand just Disagree.

  1. To be fruitful and multiply (Gen. 1:28) (CCA43).
But I do not call you a nit wit, we just disagree and should do it Respectfully.
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No you aren't. You have proven that conclusively by non-stop copying and pasting what others should believe. You have almost entirely attempted to shove your doctrines of man down everyone's throats despite numerous attempts to get you to stop and ask questions and learn.

You have no humility.
If you would settle down and stop throwing out unscriptural opinions and touting those man created doctrines as God inspired law, you might actually fit in here. But I don't honestly think you are capable of that.

I for one have learned a tremendous amount since first posting here. I wish I could go back and delete some of the dumb things I said.

Back to the quote. You have proclaimed you are here to teach and to build a sanctuary or some kind of monument to your hubris. This quote is an outright lie. You are not here to learn. You are here like you've said numerous times, to teach others and to correct wrong beliefs.

NickF, we don't have to be friends. We don't ever need to talk in person. You are free to believe anyway you want.
But I have said everyone of you have a right to your understanding and beliefs and so do I.

Threatening others is unG-dly as well

"And a man doing this needs to tread very lightly if he makes the mistake of doing so to my wife."
There is no Law commanding marriage you nit wit!

Is this Respectfulness?

This is The Law and you have to agree and I understand just Disagree.

  1. To be fruitful and multiply (Gen. 1:28) (CCA43).
But I do not call you a nit wit, we just disagree and should do it Respectfully.
KJV Genesis 1:28 And God blessed them {Adam and Eve}, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

KingAbrahamSolomonBible Genesis 1:28 And God blessed all of mankind, and God said unto all men, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

I have no problem telling you to not rebuke my wife or teach her, or command her to do any single thing. You had better tread lightly as it's none of your responsibility. That is not a threat, that is a fact.

As for rebuking you with sweet words, or respectfully. I would answer you with this set of scripture...

Titus 1:10-13

10For there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers, specially they of the circumcision: 11Whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses, teaching things which they ought not, for filthy lucre's sake. 12One of themselves, even a prophet of their own, said, The Cretians are alway liars, evil beasts, slow bellies. 13This witness is true. Wherefore rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in the faith; 14Not giving heed to Jewish fables, and commandments of men, that turn from the truth.

You can be assured of being rebuked sharply if you are unruly, speak vainly, deceive, teach Jewish fables and commandments of men.

Consider yourself rebuked sharply. I have no problem welcoming you with open arms in brotherly love. But his is a rebuke.
Marriage is held to be uniquely mandatory for men, and an unmarried man over the age of twenty is considered "cursed by God Himself." There is evidence however that in some communities males did not marry until "thirty or older." In medieval Jewish Ashkenazi communities, women continued to be married young.

Who are Jews allowed to marry?

As noted above, Jewish marriage is halakhically valid only if carried out between a man and woman who are both Jewish, in accordance with the law of Moses and Israel. A later regulation requires that the marriage take place in the presence of a. minyan, a quorum of ten men.

In traditional Judaism, marriage is viewed as a contractual bond commanded by God in which a man and a woman come together to create a relationship in which God is directly involved. Though procreation is not the sole purpose, a Jewish marriage is traditionally expected to fulfil the commandment to have children.
Stop getting your theology from encyclopaedias, and copy-pasting it here instead of writing your own thoughts. This entire section is copied and pasted from two encyclopaedia entries:

This is one of the reasons your posts keep drifting off into other areas - instead of addressing the topic at hand directly in your own words, you copy something someone else has written that is vaguely related, but actually discussing something different, and that brings in new things people then disagree with, and a new debate begins.

You need to think for yourself more, so that you can answer in your own words.
This is The Law and you have to agree and I understand just Disagree.
  1. To be fruitful and multiply (Gen. 1:28) (CCA43).
If that statement comprises a law that all people must marry, then Yeshua was a sinner.

For him not to be a sinner, there would need to be exceptions to the law written in Torah. Where are the exceptions outlined in Torah? Can you find any?
Can you even find any in your encyclopaedias and Talmudic writings? I highly doubt it, because I doubt anyone other than yourself thinks marriage is mandatory, so nobody has bothered to write an exception to that mandate.

Unless these exceptions are actually written in Torah, you must be interpreting Genesis 1:28 wrong and it cannot be establishing a law.

This is very basic logic.
Two separate members of this forum whom I highly respect have privately recommended to me that this thread be locked, as it is not profitable to anybody at this point. I agree, this is going nowhere. I'll give people this afternoon / evening to post their closing thoughts, then close it off.
KJV Genesis 1:28 And God blessed them {Adam and Eve}, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

KingAbrahamSolomonBible Genesis 1:28 And God blessed all of mankind, and God said unto all men, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

I have no problem telling you to not rebuke my wife or teach her, or command her to do any single thing. You had better tread lightly as it's none of your responsibility. That is not a threat, that is a fact.

As for rebuking you with sweet words, or respectfully. I would answer you with this set of scripture...

Titus 1:10-13

10For there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers, specially they of the circumcision: 11Whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses, teaching things which they ought not, for filthy lucre's sake. 12One of themselves, even a prophet of their own, said, The Cretians are alway liars, evil beasts, slow bellies. 13This witness is true. Wherefore rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in the faith; 14Not giving heed to Jewish fables, and commandments of men, that turn from the truth.

You can be assured of being rebuked sharply if you are unruly, speak vainly, deceive, teach Jewish fables and commandments of men.

Consider yourself rebuked sharply. I have no problem welcoming you with open arms in brotherly love. But his is a rebuke.

NickF, You are not my brother.
Stop getting your theology from encyclopaedias, and copy-pasting it here instead of writing your own thoughts. This entire section is copied and pasted from two encyclopaedia entries:

This is one of the reasons your posts keep drifting off into other areas - instead of addressing the topic at hand directly in your own words, you copy something someone else has written that is vaguely related, but actually discussing something different, and that brings in new things people then disagree with, and a new debate begins.

You need to think for yourself more, so that you can answer in your own words.

If that statement comprises a law that all people must marry, then Yeshua was a sinner.

For him not to be a sinner, there would need to be exceptions to the law written in Torah. Where are the exceptions outlined in Torah? Can you find any?
Can you even find any in your encyclopaedias and Talmudic writings? I highly doubt it, because I doubt anyone other than yourself thinks marriage is mandatory, so nobody has bothered to write an exception to that mandate.

Unless these exceptions are actually written in Torah, you must be interpreting Genesis 1:28 wrong and it cannot be establishing a law.

This is very basic logic.

So many of you believe The New Testament Teaches exceptions.
Also if you Believe that nothing but Torah can change or make exceptions then Every Law in Torah is Law.
Then show us an exception from the New Testament - by which I mean a statement of law, not just yet another example of an unmarried person.

I have shown The Law and an Example of where it would not apply and why it don't apply because G-d said not too.
I do not have to do anything more then that and all you have to do is say we disagree and move on.
Everything to do with G-d Should be Copy and Paste so we have His Word and not ours.
I never said I had Authority over (another man's wife), I just said she had no Authority over any man as below.

I have issues with men claiming a mantle of authority when they lack credibility. Such contemptible creatures made me miserable when I was young. My father, cops, teachers, social workers.

In contrast to those men there are good men on this site. They have credibility with me and most of them are credible to me because of the testimony of their wives. I trust them and will defer to them on certain things because they are credible leaders in their families and because they are credible in their faith and they are credible as men.

Another unique quality of these men is that none of them have ever had to tell me about their authority. They don't worry about it because they know the source of their authority and if someone doesn't see it then so be it.

Now where did I get to learn about this? I learned it from the man I married who never once had to tell me who was in charge. Not once. Not ever. It was abundantly clear from the start.

In my experience men who have to tell me about their 'authority' are weak and quite often they're bullies. And citing Scripture to me is akin to telling me you're going to tell mom if I don't respect your authority.

Seriously, if you want my respect or any other woman's respect then earn it. Demonstrate it. Be a man.

Real men don't whine about their authority. They just establish it and let everyone else figure it out.
No, I am saying I don't call Him a brother.
You don't get to define who is your brother. That is the fundamental difference between "brothers" and "friends" - you can choose your friends, but must put up with your brothers. And that is why the word is used in scripture - it has a meaning, it is important.

Yeshua called his followers his brothers. That means that, if we follow Him, we are brothers whether we like it or not.

And even if someone is doing wrong - they are STILL a brother.
2 Thessalonians 3:6: Now we command you, brethren, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye withdraw yourselves from every brother that walketh disorderly, and not after the tradition which he received of us.
2 Thessalonians 3:14-15:
And if any man obey not our word by this epistle, note that man, and have no company with him, that he may be ashamed.
Yet count him not as an enemy, but admonish him as a brother.

In the second case, the man in question has behaved so badly he is to be entirely rejected from the assembly of believers - yet he is still a brother!

The only way @NickF could not be your brother is if you are not following Yeshua. Because I know very well that he is.
I have shown The Law and an Example of where it would not apply and why it don't apply because G-d said not too.
You have shown from Torah a verse you think makes marriage mandatory, and have shown many examples of Godly men who did not marry, every example of which disproves your point. You have not shown a law that says "you must marry unless you have the gift of prophecy" or something like that - just a load of examples of people who, if marriage is mandatory, must be terrible sinners.
Everything to do with G-d Should be Copy and Paste so we have His Word and not ours.
Yes. But Jewish encyclopaedias are not God's Word.