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By the way, word on street is that Olympic opening was mockery of Last Supper.
Among other abominations.
This can't continue.
And that was at least one of the main supporting points of my SSM Fellowship midrash this Sabbath:
By the way, word on street is that Olympic opening was mockery of Last Supper.

This can't continue.
France was a Christian nation. Not much so anymore. Why? Did the Son of Man abandon them? Or did they abandon him? Did they look at his instructions with disgust, and prefer the world’s instructions?

The Creator said if you hate my laws then those who hate you will rule over you. There were times the Ark of the Covenant was in enemy territory. Why was it in enemy territory? It was there because they had a spiritual problem.
France was a Christian nation. Not much so anymore. Why? Did the Son of Man abandon them? Or did they abandon him? Did they look at his instructions with disgust, and prefer the world’s instructions?

The Creator said if you hate my laws then those who hate you will rule over you. There were times the Ark of the Covenant was in enemy territory. Why was it in enemy territory? It was there because they had a spiritual problem.
Why are you mentioning French? Who did organize whole thing? French weren't.

It was Olympic Commitee. Only they deserve blame.

And why are supporting blackpilling amd demoralization?

Now France is totally faithless and totally corrupt because some people did mockery of Christians on French soil.
Why are you mentioning French? Who did organize whole thing? French weren't.

It was Olympic Commitee. Only they deserve blame.

And why are supporting blackpilling amd demoralization?

Now France is totally faithless and totally corrupt because some people did mockery of Christians on French soil.
Leviticus 19:29
Do not allow your daughter to commit whoredom lest the land commit whoredom and the land be filled with sin.

Are boys being taught that taking a girl’s virginity is life long marriage?

Are girls being taught they need to go to their father first before deciding to lose their virginity?

You have whoredom in the land which in turn causes wickedness.

Churches don’t teach these things. “Ew, Old Testament.”

When the churches choose to obey the world instead of their Savior and Creator - well - don’t be surprised if those that hate you rule over you. Because that what the Creator said he would cause to happen. You bite the hand that feeds you so many times - don’t be surprised if he bites back.
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Leviticus 19:29
Do not allow your daughter to commit whoredom lest the land commit whoredom and the land be filled with sin.

Are boys being taught that taking a girl’s virginity is life long marriage?

Are girls being taught they need to go to their father first before deciding to lose their virginity?

You have whoredom in the land which in turn causes wickedness.

Churches don’t teach these things. “Ew, Old Testament.”
One of best advice I have ever received is to start blaming right people. Yourself for your faults, others for their. Not yourself for your and others.

You are now claiming problem is because French state (a secular state) doesn't force your ideal religious education and behaviour on people. This can't be issue with Olympic opening because French state doesn't decide what will be shown on opening. Halo, halo, halo.

And reason Moslim aren't mocked in public is because they would start riots. And French state doesn't again provide Muslim religious education either.

You just know to blame lack of Christian morality for everything.
It’s a church problem. It’s a household problem. It’s a spiritual problem. Not unique to the nation of France - but widespread across the Christian nations.
But in case of Olympic opening problem is Olmpic Commitee. Widespread faithless may enable spreading of their corruption, but source of corruption is still Olympic Commitee.

With stronger faith, Olympic Commitee would have to be more crafty. And they would still be source of corruption.
But in case of Olympic opening problem is Olmpic Commitee. Widespread faithless may enable spreading of their corruption, but source of corruption is still Olympic Commitee.

With stronger faith, Olympic Commitee would have to be more crafty. And they would still be source of corruption.
Widespread faithlessness and rebellion is what removes divine protection upon a land. When the wicked see there's no protection - they pounce like a wolf, because they know they can get away with it. That's what you see in places like NYC and Los Angeles as well.

Proverbs 29:2
When the righteous increase, the people rejoice, but when the wicked rule, the people groan.

Proverbs 11:10
When the righteous prosper, the city rejoices; when the wicked perish, there are shouts of joy.

What is the definition of righteous?

Isaiah 51:7
“Listen to me, you who know righteousness, the people in whose heart is my law; fear not the reproach of man, nor be dismayed at their revilings.

It all goes back to the commandments. Teaching children the Word of YAH. So there can be peace and righteousness in the land.
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But in case of Olympic opening problem is Olmpic Commitee. Widespread faithless may enable spreading of their corruption, but source of corruption is still Olympic Commitee.

With stronger faith, Olympic Commitee would have to be more crafty. And they would still be source of corruption.
Would a truly “Christian” nation have allowed this to take place on their soil?
Would a truly “Christian” nation have allowed this to take place on their soil?
It doesn't matter how much Christian your nation is. What matters will you punish them for this, ie is religious mockery protected under freedom of speech. That's for state action.

Population actions are riots, boycotting etc....

Are you doing your part in Olympics viewship destruction?
By the way, word on street is that Olympic opening was mockery of Last Supper.

This can't continue.
Disney made a movie about a Jamaican Bob sled team and I tossed it in the garbage after hearing John Candy's character twist the Lord's Prayer. It was too irreverent for me. It actually said in the second line bobsled be thy name.
SMH most movies are garbage. The finest hours was pretty good. ....but with the other gross garbage disney is putting out...I don't really want to support them in any way.
Ezekiel 22:30
30 “I looked for someone who might rebuild the wall of righteousness that guards the land. I searched for someone to stand in the gap in the wall so I wouldn’t have to destroy the land, but I found no one.

Once again - what protects the land from being destroyed? “Righteousness.” What does it mean to be righteous? To teach and follow the commandments. To have his instructions written in your heart, so it will go well for you in the land.