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The older generation by then would die of old age.

The younger generation that are more rrebellious and lawless - well they can call themselves Christian all they want - but it doesn’t mean they are.
2 Timothy 2:19 Nevertheless the solid foundation of God stands, having this seal: “the Lord knows those who are His,” and, “Let everyone who names the name of Christ depart from iniquity.”
I have pointed out to others how valued women were biblically

There is something about being chosen by a man....actually wanted and valued that gives a woman confidence and security. I see women without the commitment and security and they often lack confidence and do not seem to value themselves. So "trying" a relationship can never succeed like commiting to one can. "Trying" lacks an essential element!

That's my 2 cents worth for the moment.

I wonder about how one overcomes the issue of woman who are so wrapped up in their appearance that not only can they not take a husband's word for her being attractive, much less consider that he might value her for something over and above just the (admittedly fun and a nice way to spend an otherwise not allocated afternoon) animalistic lust.
When it is a legit blind spot or obsession, how do you convince a woman that just being desirable is not the core of her worth in a man's eyes?
It can be a legitimate challenge
Making the competing athletes eat vegetarian and starving them of protein is an act of cheating by the French. I keep wondering why no one will call this out.
That depends on if everyone has to live in the Olympic village, or only the foreigners.
Insufficient privileges to respond...humph...we will see

"-Hencefortth the terms “whore church” and “whore synagogue” are banned. Posts containing these phrases are grounds for the post to be deleted."

I will arm-wrastle and destroy any three men who want me to stop saying "whore kamala" or "whore candidate".

"-Excessively sneering or vitriolic posts will be deleted. If you can’t say something nice then don’t say anything at all."

Now that right there needs to be edited to exclude the derision of the woke, the commies, the pointy heads (maybe I am being repetitive ) the degenerates or *shudder* hippies, ev drivers or soy nationalists. They should all be fair game. Oh, and antinatalism types should get extra mocking
In the interests diversity equity and inclusion we now ask you use the terms “whole church” and “Whole synagogue”
So nobody feels left out ;) lol

I am afraid that while I am generally good at giving commentary about DEI shenanigans, I find myself out of my element on this one
Looking forward to the effect of this movie.

I love when they go straight to fascism. It is so precious that they think a political ideology started by an editor of a Marxist magazine in competition with other types of socialism which has government and industry working hand in glove to control the people is right wing.

It is childishly simple to pull apart the ideas and ideologies of these spoiled romoer room rejects.
I see it as a deep deep sickness of the west that we have such high openness in the Big Five sense. We have a massive achilles heel with respect to how easily brainwashed we are and it is very much contributing to cultural suicide.

Suppose I will watch the movie in time but may skip it. I am enough of a political animal that I already know the lies and false framing and can...in a less kind fashion than is what I expect from Walsh...stomp their blather. Not that it makes me special. A goodly chunk of the forum could say the same.

Personally I am getting to a tad beyond my saturation point.