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What is fornication?

Well number 1 there's no place is scripture that says you must repent to be saved.
It sounds like we're back to having a Big Problem with the meaning of words.

And the word "repent" (like 'holy') just baffles much if not most of 'xtianity'. The Hebrew word,


used over a THOUSAND times in Scripture, literally means "turn," or "turn around," or "REturn," and appears both in verb and 'action-noun' forms. (And check out the 'first use', too!)

I sometimes - and only somewhat tongue-in-cheek - say that if you look up the word in a good Hebrew/Bible dictionary - you'll see David's picture,
It sounds like we're back to having a Big Problem with the meaning of words.

And the word "repent" (like 'holy') just baffles much if not most of 'xtianity'. The Hebrew word,


used over a THOUSAND times in Scripture, literally means "turn," or "turn around," or "REturn," and appears both in verb and 'action-noun' forms. (And check out the 'first use', too!)

I sometimes - and only somewhat tongue-in-cheek - say that if you look up the word in a good Hebrew/Bible dictionary - you'll see David's picture,
All those verses I put said nothing about repent. But I don't have time to go into details. The new testament was translated from the Greek so we have to go with the Greek word https://tritheos.com/repent-repentance-3-bible-dictionaries-lexicons/
All those verses I put said nothing about repent.
Because you ignored all the verses that do say repent, because you don't like them. You are cherrypicking verses that let you justify a hedonistic, selfish and destructive lifestyle, and ignoring anything that would tell you you are wrong.

Why are so many women not virgins? Because of men like you.

We (Christians) are the salt of the world. We are different, and we preserve the world. But if the salt loses its saltiness, it has no value and can only be trodden underfoot. You are being the exact illustration of "salt that has lost its saltiness", someone who may once have been a genuine follower of God but has taken on the flavour of the world instead of imparting Godly ethics into the world. And you will simply be trampled underfoot in the last days, unless you repent. This is the hard truth @Deesee25: you are almost certainly not saved, your attitude is evidence of that, and you need to repent and find God again.
Play your games, @Deesee25 , but Biblical Families is about a lifestyle that is much more satisfying.
Because you ignored all the verses that do say repent, because you don't like them. You are cherrypicking verses that let you justify a hedonistic, selfish and destructive lifestyle, and ignoring anything that would tell you you are wrong.

Why are so many women not virgins? Because of men like you.

We (Christians) are the salt of the world. We are different, and we preserve the world. But if the salt loses its saltiness, it has no value and can only be trodden underfoot. You are being the exact illustration of "salt that has lost its saltiness", someone who may once have been a genuine follower of God but has taken on the flavour of the world instead of imparting Godly ethics into the world. And you will simply be trampled underfoot in the last days, unless you repent. This is the hard truth @Deesee25: you are almost certainly not saved, your attitude is evidence of that, and you need to repent and find God again.
Well you know I'll take my chances. If I'm wrong on this then humanity IS doomed. If I can't rest on the finished work of Christ and there's still something I have to do (which is a works based salvation whether you want to agree with it or not that's what your saying) then most of us if any won't make it. Especially if it's not simple, free, and easy to understand. God said depart from me I NEVER knew you not I used to know you. Plus if He knows the beginning and the end it would kind of waste of grace to save someone and then take it away from them which also goes against what a gift actually is. You can only keep this gift of eternal life IF you do something. So I guess you're saying God is an Indian giver? Interesting.
Except I've never taken a woman virginity and I never will unless I plan 100% on keeping her. That would go against my code
He didn’t say “because of you”, he said “Because of men like you”.
Close enough, you feed the system.
Well Sounds like you guys have already made your assumptions about Me anyways so it is what it is.
What is to assume when you flat out tell us who you are?
Except I've never taken a woman virginity and I never will unless I plan 100% on keeping her. That would go against my code
Reason many woman aren't virgins is because try to keep guy. And being in relationship for years without sex isn't natural. And then somehow, relationship gets broken.

Add several such relationship and she is in 30s being damaged good.

And people with altitude of leaving instead of fighting for relationship are one such reason why situation exists.

This is mutual. Women also learn not to trust men and prefer leaving instead of fighting. So cycle continues, time is passed, mutual relationship between sexes in getting worse, both blame opposite, both can't see how their action is contibuting and human species is dieing.
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Reason many woman aren't virgins is because try to keep guy. And being in relationship for years without sex isn't natural. And then somehow, relationship get broken.

Add several such relationship and she is in 30s being damaged good.

Ann people with altitude of leaving instead of fighting for relationship are one such reason why situation exists.

This is mutual. Women also learn not to trust men and prefer leaving instead of fighting. So cycle continues, time is passed, mutual relationship between sexes in getting worse, both blame opposite, both can't see how their action is contibuting and human species is dieing.
Ok but women are the one leaving most relationships not men. You can make a woman love you or stay with you if she doesn't want to. I tell people all the time I wish you wouldn't do this but at the same time I'm not gonna make you or beg you to stay I'm telling you from experience that doesn't work
How tf do you know how many post I wrote? Are you keeping score or something?🤣
If anyone clicks on your username at the left of any post it says you've written 139 messages. And everyone who's been reading the forum in the last couple of days knows the only topics you're talking about.
If anyone clicks on your username at the left of any post it says you've written 139 messages. And everyone who's been reading the forum in the last couple of days knows the only topics you're talking about.
a little werid someone would even look at that and care but ok sure. I'm replying to like 3 to 4 different people at once so of course its gonna be a lot. not really keepin track of messages..cause who does that?
Again you have to explain thief on the cross that had no chance to do any good works at all.
Sir, once again you make statements that are demonstrably incorrect. In Luke 23:39-42 we read, Then one of the criminals who were hanged blasphemed Him, saying, “If You are the Christ, save Yourself and us.” But the other, answering, rebuked him, saying, “Do you not even fear God, seeing you are under the same condemnation. And we indeed justly, for we receive the due reward of our deeds; but this Man has done nothing wrong.” Then he said to Jesus, “Lord, remember me when You come into Your kingdom.” The believing criminal testified to the sinfulness of himself and the other criminal, and the sinlessness of the Messiah. He demonstrated his saving faith through verbalizing his trust in the Person and sacrifice of Jesus Christ. His was a very public witness to his saving faith in Jesus Christ, and as such he was doing a good work.