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What is fornication?

the chances of you find them are very VERY slim.
If you expect to run across them by “chance”, then you are absolutely correct.
I'm not here 24/7 you know. I do things and come back to chat. Granted you're pretty much doing the same thing so not sure how you're any different.
I'm on vacation now. Will be cut soon.
Well here comes the "who hurt you phase" has nothing to do with hurt. It's people who want the world to be something that it's not because they don't wanna accept reality because it's too dark. Especially when it comes to female nature. I'm definitely NOT blacked pilled by any means but I'm not gonna live in a false reality either unlike most people want to do.
You have been blackpilled. Hard. You just don't see. By the way, pessimist see reality better that optimists, but only reward is way worse life.

Women are sweet, cuddly and childish.
You have been blackpilled. Hard. You just don't see. By the way, pessimist see reality better that optimists, but only reward is way worse life.

Women are sweet, cuddly and childish
Ok well if you believe that sure im not gonna try to convince you otherwise.

Yes there are some out there that are but it's better to be aware of their nature and what they have the capability of doing rather than just ignoring it. Most dudes get blindsided and never see it coming too. I hear it all the time "I don't know what happened, I can't believe she did this" "this came out of nowhere" but if you were aware then you'd know. It's better to be routed and grounded in that reality than be blind sided. Obviously our biological nature won't stop us from persuing them but at least you can arm yourself with knowledge and the experience.
Compared to the seemingly age demographic here I'd say yes.
That makes sense. I'm late 30s and often feel as though some of the people here are out of touch with many present day issues. I'm sure you're substantially younger than I am, I can imagine it's probably even more frustrating for you. You're correct, presently women marry later, partly due to the fact that we're able to financially provide for ourselves. Men these days have to work harder to obtain a wife and women are less willing to be submissive to "just" any man. I'm not sure there's really any denying that.
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I'm on vacation now. Will be cut soon.

You have been blackpilled. Hard. You just don't see. By the way, pessimist see reality better that optimists, but only reward is way worse life.

Women are sweet, cuddly and childish.
This why men shouldn't just marry the first woman they meet. Date a few first and spin plates so you can understand how they operate. They expect to pretty much know everything there is to know before they meet you and you're not gonna know if you haven't had any experience.
That makes sense. I'm late 30s and often feel as though some of the people here are out of touch with many present day issues. I'm sure you're substantially younger than I am, I can imagine it's probably even more frustrating for you. You're correct, presently women marry later, partly due to the fact that we're able to financially provide for ourselves. Men these days have to work harder to obtain a wife and women are less willing to be submissive to "just" any man. I'm not sure there's really any denying that.
Yeah pretty much but Yes and no. I've totally been flat broke before and still have had gfs. They've even given me money for things without me asking. See people think im coming from a place of hurt im not im simply reporting on the reality of things.

My experience has been different than most people but that doesnt mean my experience is correct. Getting a female is more of a skillset than it is just making a bunch of money and doing things even though that would sweeten the deal. If a chick is really in love with you she'll live in the back of a car with you. It doesn't matter to her. I always tell people I have accidentally game since I seem to just attract girls by accident vs having a more difficult time when trying.🤣.

My theory is this the reason they are marrying later is cause they're settling. The man they REALLY want either won't take them, doesn't have enough money to support them, or having unrealistic expectations the guy they really want doesn't exist. So they wait til the last minute by late 20s early 30s normally find someone who's "good enough" even though they don't love that guy because they're getting older and finding a man they want is more difficult since he'll want someone younger and fresh.
That makes sense. I'm late 30s and often feel as though some of the people here are out of touch with many present day issues...
Well, the converse is arguably just as true. :)

But - I think what is closer to the truth is that those who "saw it coming" have made a CHOICE to "come out of her."

It's more about don't let those issues hammer you rather than just "touch".
And as for the rest of that interesting comment...

...I'm sure you're substantially younger than I am, I can imagine it's probably even more frustrating for you. You're correct, presently women marry later, partly due to the fact that we're able to financially provide for ourselves. Men these days have to work harder to obtain a wife and women are less willing to be submissive to "just" any man. I'm not sure there's really any denying that...
Mostly, just 'wow.' And in the context of this thread, and what I've seen from doing my best to be "outside" a system I'd like to be as "out of touch" with as humanly possible:

- it may be that lots of woman are willing to ...well, you-know-what...with just about anything (I eschew the term 'man' there) but have been taught to not SUBMIT to any 'authority,' with the exception of the Almighty State.

- and their chances of encountering what some of us might refer to a a 'Yah-fearing' (or - here it comes, 'real') man out there in the 'real world' are vanishingly close to zero.

And, sorry, @Deesee25, because you seem to have a lot 'on the ball,' BUT:

Getting a female is more of a skillset than it is just making a bunch of money and doing things even though that would sweeten the deal. If a chick is really in love with you she'll live in the back of a car with you. It doesn't matter to her.
Sorry, waaaay too much of Rome (and 'rome-ance') "Sleepless in Seattle," "You've Got Mail," and the tranche of 'friends with benefits' BS that describes too much of that 'real world'...
I always tell people I have accidentally game since I seem to just attract girls by accident vs having a more difficult time when trying.🤣.
...along with - literally - the whole concept of 'game' is just another - better, even - description of "what is fornication." A concept which, again, does not exist by that name, in Scripture. But whoring certainly does. Licensed, or not.
along with - literally - the whole concept of 'game' is just another - better, even - description of "what is fornication." A concept which, again, does not exist by that name, in Scripture. But whoring certainly does. Licensed, or not.
I don't think you understand what game is. It has nothing to do with sex it doesn't even always have to do with females. Its just about having a plan to get to the outcome you desire whatever that outcome may be. And yeah I'm not gonna get into the my view of what "whoring" actually is cause I already discussed that in the prostitution forum. Lol. Either way it's irrelevant to point.
And as for the rest of that interesting comment...

Mostly, just 'wow.' And in the context of this thread, and what I've seen from doing my best to be "outside" a system I'd like to be as "out of touch" with as humanly possible:

- it may be that lots of woman are willing to ...well, you-know-what...with just about anything (I eschew the term 'man' there) but have been taught to not SUBMIT to any 'authority,' with the exception of the Almighty State.

- and their chances of encountering what some of us might refer to a a 'Yah-fearing' (or - here it comes, 'real') man out there in the 'real world' are vanishingly close to zero.

And, sorry, @Deesee25, because you seem to have a lot 'on the ball,' BUT:

Sorry, waaaay too much of Rome (and 'rome-ance') "Sleepless in Seattle," "You've Got Mail," and the tranche of 'friends with benefits' BS that describes too much of that 'real world'...

...along with - literally - the whole concept of 'game' is just another - better, even - description of "what is fornication." A concept which, again, does not exist by that name, in Scripture. But whoring certainly does. Licensed, or not.
I don't disagree with you. I was simply sharing frustrations. Someone growing up in different generations doesn't negate their advice, at times it even makes it more valuable. However, I can't count the amount of times I've thought to myself "as much as I'd like to adhere to that advice, it just wouldn't work."
I don't disagree with you. I was simply sharing frustrations. Someone growing up in different generations doesn't negate their advice, at times it even makes it more valuable. However, I can't count the amount of times I've thought to myself "as much as I'd like to adhere to that advice, it just wouldn't work."
Yeah exactly. They may had work on some level on their day but it's just not like that now and it's questionable if it even worked by then. Cause part of me (though I could be wrong) thinks that women since they didn't have resources and money they dealt with men for that reason but now they do they pick the men they want which aren't the viture signaling good people that people falsely believes.

And there a tiktok video that went viral I just saw last night of women just swooning over that wade wilson dude that killed all those chicks yet they're over here just getting moist over this dude. This exactly what I'm talking about but when I say these things I'm deemed the crazy one lol.
You know, so far I have stayed out of this one and not even bothered to do more than do brief cursory scans of the topic, but clearly it is time that I speak up.

It is common to know that fornication is derived from the Latin fornix.

  • fornic or fornix (from the Latin): plural: fornices. A vault, archway or fireplace
In Roman times, brothels were called "fornices," apparently because prostitutes could be hired near the "arches" of certain buildings. Presumably not unlike the modern trope of hoolers on street corners in recent decades.. It is said that the word fornication appeared (ca. the year 1303) to describe a sexual act with a prostitute. Yet, this word "fornices" is also related to the word "furnace," which is a significant symbol in the Bible.

So, I think the whole issue is really pretty clear from the word go and I am surprised at the need for any real analysis.

Don't go sticking your weasel in either a hooker or a furnace and you won't get burned
It was at least peripherally related to 'game'. And, yes, I do understand the term; I just detest it, and all that it implies.
Well idk what to tell ya on that one. If you want geneniue burning desire I would say game should be your number 1 asset. Yeah money and resources will win her too but not in the way you want her too. Which at that point you may as well just pay a hooker.
More seriously, and perhaps only tangentially related to the 'title word' --
I don't disagree with you. I was simply sharing frustrations. Someone growing up in different generations doesn't negate their advice, at times it even makes it more valuable. However, I can't count the amount of times I've thought to myself "as much as I'd like to adhere to that advice, it just wouldn't work."
That could be said about most of Scripture (including marriage-as-Written!) in "this world," where what has now become normal is in fact nothing but beyond-clinically-insane.

It's why I continue to contend (as @FollowingHim observed) that the answer is to "come out of her."

It has been designed to be not only 'difficult' - but as impossible as the 'prince of this world,' and those who serve 'the Adversary,' can make it.

But it is a matter of 'life and death' - and will accelerate as the Mark becomes all-but-unavoidable.
Well idk what to tell ya on that one. If you want geneniue burning desire I would say game should be your number 1 asset. Yeah money and resources will win her too but not in the way you want her too. Which at that point you may as well just pay a hooker.
Now I KNOW you don't have a clue what I mean...
If belief alone is worthless then I guess nobody will make it in.
Nobody said "worthless". But Yahushua did say this:

"...wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:
Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it." (Matthew 7:13-14) -
followed shortly thereafter by what I sometimes call the "scariest verse in the Book" -
Not every one that saith unto me, 'Lord, Lord,' shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not
[done all kinds of great stuff 'in your name]?
And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from Me, ye that work iniquity."

This, too: "...Why do call ye Me, 'Lord, Lord,' and not do the things I say?" (Luke 6:46)